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Bubble question Bubble question

05-27-2008 , 05:33 PM
$24 tournament, 200 players, pay 27, 28 remaining, I'm in 26th place but 27th is close and 15th is also within easy reach. Nobody's running away with it.

Game is Omaha (high only)

Buttons and C/O's are min raise stealing frequently.

I'm in BB (800) with 4900 chips

A Q 7 7

All fold to button who min raises to 1600, SB calls, I call.


Q 7 2

SB checks

If I check, I know button will bet with any 4

Push or check/fold?

Results in white

I pushed, button called and tabled QQxx with two clubs, made club flush on river. Bubled out.
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05-27-2008 , 05:36 PM
check/fold seems ok here
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05-27-2008 , 05:42 PM
At 1st I was like lol timex cmon he obv means check/shove but upon reflection I'm not so sure.
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05-27-2008 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
At 1st I was like lol timex cmon he obv means check/shove but upon reflection I'm not so sure.
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05-27-2008 , 06:16 PM
open fold
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05-27-2008 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
At 1st I was like lol timex cmon he obv means check/shove but upon reflection I'm not so sure.
Not sure what you mean here (or if I get the joke.)
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05-27-2008 , 10:12 PM
If you actually meant check/shove it's a fairly legit strategy question.

If you are debating folding here then it's just ******ed.
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05-27-2008 , 10:39 PM
If you want to fold this, then there's absolutely no reason to ever call preflop
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05-27-2008 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by PoorSkillz
If you want to fold this, then there's absolutely no reason to ever call preflop
That's what I thought but I wanted to see if I was missing something.
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05-27-2008 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by PoorSkillz
If you want to fold this, then there's absolutely no reason to ever play poker
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05-28-2008 , 12:06 AM
I feel like PF is a fold anyway
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05-28-2008 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by nath
I feel like PF is a fold anyway
I dunno dude, you could flop a set!
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05-28-2008 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
I dunno dude, you could flop a set!
but if you flop a set you're gonna fold so just fold pre
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05-28-2008 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by rookieplus
That's what I thought but I wanted to see if I was missing something.
The 3300 chips you spewed off on the flop
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05-28-2008 , 05:35 AM
fold pre.

once flop comes you pot and want everyone to fold. the one thing you don't want to happen is to checkraise button and he is pot committed and wins with a 9 high flush or trip 8's or whatever.

as far as actual hand results, the vast majority of the time case QQ will not be out there and you will be ok. but try to take it down right away, not let someone trap themselves with 30+% equity and suck out on you.
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