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Bounty Builder .40 facing a 3bet and jam with AQo lp Bounty Builder .40 facing a 3bet and jam with AQo lp

12-17-2018 , 03:34 AM

The 3bettor had been at my table for at least 20 hands and wasnt 3betting a lot so with that sizing and his stack size hes gotta be at least with JJ+ yea? And then the jammer with 9bb knows that the 3bettor should be relatively tight with his stack but he should still have AJo+, 77+ yea? The opener was opening a lot with his big stack. AQo, fold?

Last edited by joker414; 12-17-2018 at 03:43 AM.
Bounty Builder .40 facing a 3bet and jam with AQo lp Quote
12-18-2018 , 07:21 AM
This is a very easy fold, IMO.

We have no fold equity to the villain's 3-bet. His 3-bet range is super tight. We have a shortstack jam before us and the original raiser still to act.

We have less than 20BB and most of the times we want to shove our AQo pre-flop, but this is not a good spot. Can't imagine being in a good spot here.
Bounty Builder .40 facing a 3bet and jam with AQo lp Quote
