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Bigstacks vs Bigstack with position... a hand Bigstacks vs Bigstack with position... a hand

02-02-2009 , 07:29 AM
That post is about live hand on a buy-in 300$ MTT.

Global situation:

I'm the chipleader with 10K chips, the 2nd chipleader is also on my table with 8K chips and I have position. He is a good tight player.

The average is 4.5K and we are not to much close to the money.

The Hand:

Blinds are 50/100 with no ante, and everybody folds to the CutOff (the 2nd chipleader) who raises to 300, I'm on the Button and take a look to my cards and see 5d3c. Usually I fold this hand, but with position I want to play a pot against the other big, so I reraised to 850. Both blinds folded and the CutOff called after think some time.

The flop comes; 2s4dQs

Then the other player bets 1200... ¿What can I do here?

My options:

1) Fold. I have some outs (8), but I don't want to play a big pot If he shows strength.

2) Call. I have 8 outs, but In his mind I can have more because there is also a flush draw, so I can call looking for a 2, a 6 or an spade. If some of that cards comes I can shove the turn if he checks or bets small.

3) Shove the flop. I probably have lot of fold equity, but He probably puts me on a some draw on that flop.
Bigstacks vs Bigstack with position... a hand Quote
02-02-2009 , 07:37 AM
fold pre, as played, fold pre again
Bigstacks vs Bigstack with position... a hand Quote
02-02-2009 , 07:47 AM
what does villain think your range is? you've given no history here when you've 3bet BTN vs. CO 80BB deep.
Bigstacks vs Bigstack with position... a hand Quote
02-02-2009 , 07:49 AM
I think your raise preflop is what gets you in trouble. On the flop you probably have 8 outs, but they may be somewhat dirty. I think the situation is gross, but given that you flopped huge for your holding and that you have a shot at taking a massive chip lead I think calling once is not all that bad. The steeper the payout structure the more inclined I'd be to gamble here. Shoving feels very spewy in a 3-bet pot when your opponent shows that he's willing to continue with his hand, unless you feel he will fold a large part of his call-3-bet-lead range.
Bigstacks vs Bigstack with position... a hand Quote
02-02-2009 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by ohcrocsle
what does villain think your range is? you've given no history here when you've 3bet BTN vs. CO 80BB deep.
It's just the 2rd time he plays againts me. We played the final table of the same tournament one week ago. I think he don't know me too much, so It's hard to know what he's thinking about my range.
Bigstacks vs Bigstack with position... a hand Quote
