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Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really?

11-16-2007 , 11:53 PM
Well if he's shoving any 2, AKo isn't that much different than AJs. So if you put some doubt in his mind that you'll call him with other big aces, then his range starts to change drastically.
Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Quote
11-17-2007 , 12:00 AM
ok I read a bit of this thread and just want to say one thing:

lol at people thinking him calling with AKo will tighten up anyones pushing range. Zomg, dalla calls as wide as 4%, I better not shove into him.
Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Quote
11-17-2007 , 01:14 AM
Well if he's shoving any 2, AKo isn't that much different than AJs. So if you put some doubt in his mind that you'll call him with other big aces, then his range starts to change drastically.

AJs is better than AKo if hes shoving any 2
Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Quote
11-17-2007 , 01:33 AM
JTs is better than 22. Um... never really thought about that with AJs. I guess I've folded AKo to plenty of shoves near bubble time as 2nd stack, but I can't imagine that this would be one of them, even if BigJoe threatened to haunt me in the afterlife or whatever he promised.

Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Quote
11-17-2007 , 02:07 AM
ok I read a bit of this thread and just want to say one thing:

lol at people thinking him calling with AKo will tighten up anyones pushing range. Zomg, dalla calls as wide as 4%, I better not shove into him.
Ok, you're like the 7th person who's said this. Yes if dalla calls, and says "don't worry, I'll never call you with AQ or AJ, I promise, then no joe's range doesn't change much." But that's not the way it happens.
Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Quote
11-17-2007 , 12:29 PM
1) he's not pushing ATC, more like 70%.
2) AKo is a +EV call against 40% - 80% pushing range, according to SNG wizard.
3) it is a losing call against 100%, but he admitted he doesn't push 100% there.
Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Quote
11-17-2007 , 12:44 PM
i love the "im a rich nerd" threats going on in this thread.

what a tool
Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Quote
11-17-2007 , 03:10 PM
ok I read a bit of this thread and just want to say one thing:

lol at people thinking him calling with AKo will tighten up anyones pushing range. Zomg, dalla calls as wide as 4%, I better not shove into him.
Ok, you're like the 7th person who's said this. Yes if dalla calls, and says "don't worry, I'll never call you with AQ or AJ, I promise, then no joe's range doesn't change much." But that's not the way it happens.
For one, even if he calls with AQ or AJ it's still not going to change his range that much. It's still a very small %. Second, calling with AK in no way comes even close to suggesting that some one will call with AJ.

So, when someone calls with AK you have to assume they'll call with AJ? What assumptions do you make when they call with AT, that they are calling any A? What about when they call with A2, then they are calling with any A, strong to med Ks and some strong Qs?
Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Quote
11-17-2007 , 03:16 PM
ok I read a bit of this thread and just want to say one thing:

lol at people thinking him calling with AKo will tighten up anyones pushing range. Zomg, dalla calls as wide as 4%, I better not shove into him.
QFT, this call can very easily be +EV in a bubble because Joey will continue to pwn the bubble causing ICM to overstate your equity, but calling with AK will have very few meta implications.
Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Quote
11-17-2007 , 05:43 PM
I thought BigJo'k'e was a tool before, but his reply in this thread about spite calling you every time now b/c he "is rich enough that it doesn't matter" just confirmed it.
Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Quote
11-18-2007 , 01:15 AM
i challenge both selurah and Rrizgod to an MMA fight. In fact I'll pay either of you $500 to do so as long as you sign something stating you can't sue me after I break your arms.
Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Quote
11-18-2007 , 07:23 AM
this is a really easy call vs this particular player and I would call even lighter.
Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Quote
11-18-2007 , 08:55 AM
Two probably stupid newb questions:

I would never fold AK to bigjoe here if he shoves into me. I know that he knows that im not gonna call with AA KK QQ etc... and therefore he WILL push ATC here and AK will have him beat almost every time
I can not make sense of this. He knows you don't call with even aces, kings or queens, so he pushes everything and therefore you call with AKo. Presumably, you call with better hands as well, so how can he know you don't call when you do call? It smells like very circular logic to me.

I'm willing to sacriface $37.68 equity to cost Joe $341.5, because in the future it will be correct for him not to push as light. If in the future he folds his J6 in this spot I either get a walk, or call a short stacks push, with the same 60/40 edge, a result which will probably raise my equity by more than the $37.68 I lost in this game.
Is the equity Joe loses incorporated into yours? If it is, you give up $38 to transfer equity from Joe to the other two guys, and then it seems odd to state that you spend $38 to give him a $341 equity loss, because you don't benefit anyway. You just move the equity around (unless you figure it's x% of that loss worth to you to not have the $341 in the hands of Joe but the other players who are weaker). If you do get a part of his equity loss, then your call shouldn't show negative expectations at all, should it?

If the above is the most drunken nonsense you ever heard, can someone very briefly explain why?

Thanks in advance,



*I know that he knows that im not gonna call withOUT AA KK QQ etc... "
Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Quote
11-24-2007 , 08:36 PM
LOL, how can you fold here??
bigjoe is the sickest pusher, call call call
Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Quote
11-24-2007 , 08:37 PM
LOL, how can you fold here??
bigjoe is the sickest pusher, call call call
Thanks for the bump, very informative.
Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Quote
11-24-2007 , 08:56 PM
i challenge Suzzer and Devinlake to samurai sword fight to the death.

edit: you gotta sign the waiver
Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Quote
11-24-2007 , 09:09 PM
haha interesting thread. I guess this is what happens when you put a 2 good players against each other with quite some money on the line.

As has been stated multiple times in the thread.... the -$EV both of you will experience, will obviously be redistributed amongst the other players. If the other players are Z0MG UBER BigJoe players aswell, I guess it doesnt really matter. But if you got 2 donkey ass players left at the table, I think this call will be pretty bad as you'd be giving them equity which they dont deserve.

Anyhow.. its obviously bad for the both of you. Either live with the fact that you have to fold AKo here, or dont play BigJoe kind of players again. It's the nature of the SnG game, and may well be the death of the SnG tournaments when everybody gets his skill as high as both of you.

Oh and c'mon guys dont be angry at eachother and spite call and "challenge" eachother n stuff.. we all are so wealthy already, getting even more greedy and.. whats the right word, cocky/arrogant? seems disrespectful to the billions of people who struggle to keep themselves from hurting due to the hunger they have.
Big call vs bigjoe2003, how bad is this really? Quote
