I think I'm putting too much credit on my reads. My read here is that SB either has a weak Q, air, or a straight draw. He's been a really loose player, I was expecting him to call out of position with suited connectors and any big cards like KJ, KT, QT, etc.)
The big blind probably called the raise because of pot odds, and now figuring as I did that the small blind has probably a weak hand he's thinking he might bet him out of it, or at least remain heads up with him in position.
My re-raise is to 1) protect my hand against draws, end it right here (the button is still to act, he might decide to hang in with his KTs for a chance at the broadway, both him and the BB might have pocket pairs and might be trying out for a set if they didn't hit yet) 2) get more money in case someone has played AQ, AJ or KQ here. Remember the button is still in the hand, and he probably just called because 80 out of 5000 is nothing and he had position on all of us.
As it turns out the SB had a backdoor flush draw with a weak J
so he cracked me :|
Obviously losing my stack here to J5 is not a happy thing, but I'm wondering if I really have done something wrong or it was pure bad luck. Even if I just call the 240, the SB wasn't going to go away on the turn, god knows what the BB had ... now that he also had a flush draw, I was stacking on the river anyway.
One mistake I think I have done was raising to 80 only. I should have made it a lot more. Given the fact that I had been raising (legitimately) for the past 3 hands, I could have forced someone into believing I'm just a maniac and reraise me, and stack it off preflop. But in general you don't get the KK after getting AA, AQ, AK consecutively so I'm going to overlook that mistake.