so i have been at the table a while. playing pretty snug though me and sb have had a bit of dynamics going on and i am sure bb realises this, BB seems a decent reg, though he did 3 bet me early on from the sb when i raised 77 from the CO and he bet almost pot and folded too my shove on a flop that looked impossible too fold..
so am i mad for wanting too call here, given that our flush draw might not be even live though i think through the dynamics that it may well could be.. i think that bb flats 55/88 here almost always and i know a paired board isn't great equity for a flush draw but i feel if sb is calling aswell the pot odds i am getting are pretty good ?
ty fivetypes i felt a bit donkish calling it but with my reads i had too get it in really.. probably second guessing myself after my terrible downswing