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AQ oop vs calling station AQ oop vs calling station

02-29-2012 , 08:02 AM
Live tournament last night £35 buy in. 5 tables to start 3 tables left. Blinds are 500/1000 i have stack of 40 bbs roughly about 3rd in tournament. I raise to 2500 with asqs button has stack of about 55 makes it 7000. I know hes not getting out of line as he only raises with good hands. I dont like flat calling here out of position i think its really bad. If i 4 bet to like 15 i know he will call as hes calling station. So i consider folding then think about the dynamics of the effective stacks and he may only call with aa kk. So i decide to shove so effectively im turning my aq into a bluff. He tanks for 2 minutes makes the call with jj. First card out q second Jack lol. Would like peoples thoughts on this hand please to see if i played it ok or could have done anything different.
AQ oop vs calling station Quote
02-29-2012 , 10:58 AM
Do you mind folding pre or do you think that it is too nitty?
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02-29-2012 , 11:46 AM
fold pre seems std if he's never getting out of line
AQ oop vs calling station Quote
03-01-2012 , 01:53 PM
yeah pretty standard fold to 3b if you think he 3bets JJ+ AK
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