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aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A

07-21-2009 , 10:24 AM
hey guys, not sure if it's up yet. but thought the sunday million final table replay would be a good opportunity to get to some gritty questions about how i played the final table. anything is fair game. i only hope to improve from my end and get some advice on my play in addition to posting back and forth a bit answering questions and explaining my thought process.

aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 10:47 AM
sounds like a pretty good idea, i'll check it out and get back here when its up and i have some free time.
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 10:47 AM
cool, good of you to do this.

anyone know where you can view the replay?
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by phos77
cool, good of you to do this.

anyone know where you can view the replay?
pokerstars tournament lobby toward the top. looks like it's not up yet as i'm writing this, but you should see last week's and the warm up. you can filter "show replays"...
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 10:49 AM
doesnt appear to be in the lobby yet
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 10:56 AM

watching now.

1st question -- what is your avatar?
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 11:10 AM
early in the FT, you open AJo in MP and get 3b by Kartalli in the BB, any history leading to the 4b shove or did you soulread?
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by cjay142

watching now.

1st question -- what is your avatar?
that one's just the produced video. i'm talking about the one that will appear in the lobby that shows every hand.

my avatar used to be better, i should get it back. was me passed out drunk surrounded by beer cans and money on my head. now it's a fractal. i really really really like fractals. they're like my porn, although i don't masturbate to them.

off to brunch now, then have to do some **** today, then maybe grind, but will hopefully return to posting tonightish.
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by cjay142
early in the FT, you open AJo in MP and get 3b by Kartalli in the BB, any history leading to the 4b shove or did you soulread?
I would like to know this aswell.
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 11:44 AM
3 handed SB limps with A3o, you have T5o in BB and minraise.

i'd like to hear your thoughts behind this - was it just so you would have the initiative in the hand post flop and could take it down with a cbet? i'm guessing you're not expecting a fold. guess it could also be a way to see if he's limp-shoving with a monster for cheap haha
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 11:50 AM
3 handed Q8s in BB, limped pot.

i like the lead out on the flop with overs and BDFD, but your turn lead is so weak - 3m into 7.3m, you're never getting him off anything he's calling the flop with, and your hand just got a lot better. i guess i don't hate it if you plan on triple barreling but you give up on river (on what may be a decent bluff card).

guess this has a lot to do with reads on the player, but what are you putting him on on the flop that 3m is going to get rid of him on turn? A high?
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 11:56 AM
looking forward to catch the replay later today
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 01:53 PM
just saw it, main question: Did you think u actually had FE with your As2x on that J high sss flop after he overbet the pot or you figured your ahead against a naked jack ?

And as you shoved 102o into that 12.5 BB stack, do you think its a standard play against a non regular or did you perceived him as some kind of super nitty ?

Thanx for reply, you played it really great imo.
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 02:10 PM
congrats again on the score. i'll probably watch the replay later today and i'm sure i'll have some questions.
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by The_Stro_Sho
just saw it, main question: Did you think u actually had FE with your As2x on that J high sss flop after he overbet the pot or you figured your ahead against a naked jack ?

And as you shoved 102o into that 12.5 BB stack, do you think its a standard play against a non regular or did you perceived him as some kind of super nitty ?

Thanx for reply, you played it really great imo.
I would like to know ur thoughts about the A2 hand too and I think to shove T2 or lets say a pretty wide range here sb vs bb is right w/o a loose read imo...???

Last edited by Soggenbart; 07-21-2009 at 03:55 PM.
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 03:56 PM
PLease explain 47cc push and t2 off push....Against 10 BB stacks.....
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 03:59 PM
Great work, man. Thanks for doing this.

Can you please explain this chat you made with 3 left at the FT, when, if I recall right, payouts would be something like 120, 175 and 240 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd?

You of course weren't serious, were you? Was it an attempt at meta game? If so, what was your goal with that chat? To sound like a maniac, extremely confident, or pretend that second-place money didn't matter to you? Something else all together? You did open shove 74s the very next hand (and got caught... see CCuster's post above^^^, that's the same hand).

aprilsfool: i have a deal to propose
aprilsfool: winner takes all
aprilsfool: what do you guys thikn?
morbo1: haha
aprilsfool: 2nd & 3rd, maybe $10k actually
aprilsfool: haha = no?
morbo1: obv
aprilsfool: ok then... was worth asking
aprilsfool: i wouldn't mind walking away with .5 mil
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Soggenbart
I would like to know ur thoughts about the A2 hand too and I think to shove T2 or lets say a pretty wide range here sb vs bb is right w/o a loose read imo...???
no, villian should be folding 80%+ of the time here because of ICM.
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 04:08 PM
I'm curious about your thoughtprocess in the hands custer and Willy asked about as well.

Also, just wanted to say great score and well done.
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by Protential
no, villian should be folding 80%+ of the time here because of ICM.
yeah thats why my range there is pretty wide as I said w/o a loose read I shove or did I get something wrong ???
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 05:54 PM
lol wtf was kartalli doing - esp with the J7s hand i mean wtf
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 05:55 PM
Also April - this might be asking a bunch, but could you give us your general reads for the players at the tabling coming into the FT?
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 08:38 PM
oh man, i want to get to these right now, but i'm sooooooooooooooooooo durnk. so i don't know how this will go. i'll try to post again sober too. but in general, i think the best thing to do is just plain gambol. i was just pushing those T2 and 47 hands all in because most people don't want to gambol, so they'll just fold. and if they do call, well, **** them. if i actually had a monster, then they'd be crushed (virtual odds), i if i actually have a crappy hand, i can still suck out and have a mountain. but if you lose all your chips, then you can just stop playing and do something else. this last part is a highly underrepped concept, and the biggest reason i can multitable so much. i admit this doesn't really apply well to the FT of the sunday million, but it grossly does in smaller tourneys. i call it "attention equity" - by getting knocked out of a tournament, you gain extra equity in other tournaments because you can pay more attention to them. and if it's the last tournament you're playing, you can do something else like sleep so you can play more tourneys later, or go hang out with your girlfriend so she'll let you play more tourneys later.

about the T5 hand and minraising, i like doing this with both monsters and medium strength hands 46o+. it's good to play a bigger pot in position. that's the main reason. and sometimes you'll get a fold anyway. the reason i like to do it with monsters is sometimes the SB will flip out and shove all in either on a bluff or on legitimate strength. i really like giving my opponents another chance to make a play. this way, i gain information, which is very important. if villain has one more chance to raise and doesn't, then this is valuable info. if he does, it's also valuable info. a minraise in position in the BB to a completed SB heads up is basically the cheapest you can purchase any information in a tournament, and it also pays for itself in both fold equity (you'd be surprised how often they fold to this bibbet), and in legit showdowny equity. (you can always flop big or play the hand down for value like i did the T5. )

ok, i know that's a pretty short and crappy explanation, but it's the best i can do with this current celebratory alcohol level. jameson is a bitch.

aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 08:55 PM
haha awesome. gonna watch the replay soon
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
07-21-2009 , 08:56 PM
by getting knocked out of a tournament, you gain extra equity in other tournaments because you can pay more
aprilsfool sunday million replay Q&A Quote
