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==== April **** Thread: NO BBV OR AMT COMIN! ==== ==== April **** Thread: NO BBV OR AMT COMIN! ====

04-12-2010 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by KoreanBuffet
If the crime alert emails I get once every few days are any evidence then clearly fearing black males between the ages of 18-29 in the height range of 5'7 - 6'6 weighing somewhere between 140 to 280 lbs wearing a hoodie with the hood pulled up is the appropriate evolutionary response.
It's actually more like all poor males between the ages of 14-24. The vast majority of crime is committed by poor male youth regardless of race.
04-12-2010 , 10:00 PM
Bones - I read it correctly. Just added an element to the equation.

eg: Those with Williams Syndrome are more prone to being raped as stated.

Therefore, those with Williams Syndrome AND a proclivity towards rape/murder/robbery, etc. now have a legal reason to argue that they should be forgiven for their crimes.

They just need some way to identify the target-rich environment on which to prey.
04-12-2010 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by SlackerMcFly
So an anti-social, asexual, racial-neutral serial rapist can go free b/c of Williams syndrome?

"It wasn't my fault. I'm genetically flawed."

On the flip side, perhaps requesting a brain scan of a potential date will reveal their sexual/racial/gender tendencies as it pertains to "ease of access." A National Database should be in the works soon.

Millions will be spent researching this. Hurrah!
Originally Posted by SlackerMcFly
Bones - I read it correctly. Just added an element to the equation.

eg: Those with Williams Syndrome are more prone to being raped as stated.

Therefore, those with Williams Syndrome AND a proclivity towards rape/murder/robbery, etc. now have a legal reason to argue that they should be forgiven for their crimes.

They just need some way to identify the target-rich environment on which to prey.
There's still no legal defense against assaulting/raping someone here. Whether or not you discriminated against a person you attack doesn't make a difference, unless you're trying to say that William's syndrome should be classified as a mental disorder and a would-be rapist use it as part of an insanity defense. You should know that those who take the guilty by reason of insanity route rarely win whether or not they do have mental problems, our justice system currently likes to just warehouse those with mental problems right in with "normal" criminals because mental asylums have largely been deinstitutionalized and there are no where else to put baddies, crazy or not.
04-12-2010 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by AMT
There isn't a specific date AFAIK (perhaps Josem could expand on specifics). It often occurs once at the beginning of each month, in the first few days or so, and both stars and FTP have been known to run them. MTTC often has posts about them but typically no one knows what's up until the day of.
They coincide with server resets. And since they're changing the buyin structure either Tues or Weds my guess is they chose to do the change tomorrow morning and are running turbos to make sure all the tournaments are done by then.
04-12-2010 , 10:39 PM
Hate crimes carry a much heavier sentence in most states than does normal crime as they are considered a Federal offense.

And yes, they are going to try to classify this "genetic anomaly" as a mental disorder in order to avoid the death penalty or get a lighter sentence.

If Williams Syndrome sufferers cannot discriminate between race, then it opens up a whole new hunting ground for lawyers. I would expect that studies identifying kids of a very young age being incapable of correctly identifying political alignment of subjects or the subject's current medical condition to be forthcoming.

Brain scans ftw.
04-12-2010 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by blackize
They coincide with server resets. And since they're changing the buyin structure either Tues or Weds my guess is they chose to do the change tomorrow morning and are running turbos to make sure all the tournaments are done by then.

yea this is why i asked lol

and checking mttc - it looks like the last normal update was the first tuesday of the month. gonna try and not miss the may turbo night.

anyone know details/speculation on ftp turbo night?
04-12-2010 , 10:44 PM
I think stars had turbo night last Tuesday.(edit: oops just reread ur post)

I think stars might update every other Tuesday? or is it monthly?

It would be nice if there was a way we could find out before the day.
04-12-2010 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by SlackerMcFly
Bones - I read it correctly. Just added an element to the equation.

eg: Those with Williams Syndrome are more prone to being raped as stated.

Therefore, those with Williams Syndrome AND a proclivity towards rape/murder/robbery, etc. now have a legal reason to argue that they should be forgiven for their crimes.

They just need some way to identify the target-rich environment on which to prey.
The link I posted suggests they are much more likely to be victims of violent crimes. I don't even understand why it would occur to you to add that element.
04-12-2010 , 11:02 PM
Bones - Just trying to point out how ludicrous the study was. Nth degree of the original purpose of the exercise imo.

I doubt that there has ever been a psych study done anywhere that didn't benefit the worst of society in the eyes of the law.
04-12-2010 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by SlackerMcFly
I doubt that there has ever been a psych study done anywhere that didn't benefit the worst of society in the eyes of the law.
04-12-2010 , 11:32 PM
What's the best way to **** over regs you really don't like? This guy has slowrolled me with AA twice. I owe him big time.
04-12-2010 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by Kvaughan
What's the best way to **** over regs you really don't like? This guy has slowrolled me with AA twice. I owe him big time.
Predator Drone.

My buddy calls me...
him: Hey, I need you to take me to KFC tomorrow
me: Uh, why?
him: Because...I can't tell you...but I'll buy you something.
me: Ok fine but srsly wtf can't you tell me?
him: Ok ok ok you know Tracy Jordan's meat machine on 30 rock? Well go google kfc's double down

Suck it Jamie Oliver
04-13-2010 , 12:25 AM
That's so gross but I want it.

Sadly, no Double Downs in Canada.
04-13-2010 , 12:38 AM
I had a double down earlier. It was pretty tasty. But in the OOT thread people seem to think they're just ok. My guess is it depends on how much you like chicken breast.
04-13-2010 , 12:45 AM
My god I need to try a double down right now.
04-13-2010 , 12:48 AM
lol @ Kvaughan... I bet I can guess who it was... does his name start with a D and rhyme with weasel?


Anybody have any tips for psychologically calming themselves down (i.e. remaining level headed) during a soul crushing DS? Any help is much appreciated
04-13-2010 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by smiteme
lol @ Kvaughan... I bet I can guess who it was... does his name start with a D and rhyme with weasel?


Anybody have any tips for psychologically calming themselves down (i.e. remaining level headed) during a soul crushing DS? Any help is much appreciated
Yep, you go it. I figure I would spite call him on the bubble next time I get a chance to or slow-roll him back if possible, but I want something more soul crushing than that.

Last edited by Kvaughan; 04-13-2010 at 01:09 AM.
04-13-2010 , 01:05 AM
pretend you're winning
04-13-2010 , 01:24 AM
Don't look at HEM would be my advice. Every time I do it, it tilts me further.
04-13-2010 , 02:19 AM
That thing looks disgusting. No way I would eat a double chicken-n-cheese sandwich wrapped in bacon from KFC
04-13-2010 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by sippin_criss
Do you guys ever say, at a restaurant or bar when placing an order for food or beverage, "I need xxxxxx...." I can't recall people saying it before, but maybe I didn't pay much attention.

Also, how do you get 50 Canadians out of a pool?
It's funny you mention this... I hear this nearly every time I'm in a drive-through [from the car in front of me], and it is certainly tilting. I find it to be very rude...

It goes something like this:
"Yah. Ummm... I need a double cheeseburger with extra pickles. Gimme a large fry with that too..."

"Gimme?" Ugh. I hate that.

In a somewhat non-related note, lately I am really frustrated with the way the majority of idiots treat people in the service industry. I am not in the industry myself, however my roommate is, and I hear the stories day in and day out, of just pure azzholes out there. I don't understand where the manners went. Slobs.
04-13-2010 , 02:36 AM
I'm always quite polite but people who work in fast food are, on the whole, the dumbest ****ing people on the planet. I'd say 60% of the time my order is correct and I probably get the most basic thing possible. I can't even imagine the conversion rate for people who order more than one item or get condiments.

Not that it's an excuse to treat people poorly of course.
04-13-2010 , 02:57 AM
This is also true. I can handle a screw up, provided whoever effed it up is cool about it. I'm not about to lose my shiyat because someone forgot the cheese on my burger, but it can be frustrating.
I feel like that whole 'customer is always right' thing has devolved from a practical theory to run your business by, to a license for every bastard out there to act like a jerk. My roommate manages a pizza place, and it seems that he has a new story every week of someone calling with a delivery order and throwing a fit when he asks for a phone number.
04-13-2010 , 03:32 AM
final table, stars $109 2x chance, 4/8, hoping, hoping
04-13-2010 , 03:33 AM
busted 13th in the 11r bout 10 min ago, still a bit anoyed by that
