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APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8

11-25-2008 , 10:49 AM
im on a 20k downswing so im obv gonna run hotter than the sun in it too.
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-25-2008 , 11:12 AM
hey guys im a bit of a lurker im playing the event 2 $750 buy in game on thursday if any1 wants to get in contact n say hello to some degen micro stakes grinder n hang give us a buzz
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-25-2008 , 03:42 PM
ahhhhhhhh im so undecided if i should come or not
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-25-2008 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by klunar
ahhhhhhhh im so undecided if i should come or not
Likewise - but I'm super lazy, so it's like a 98% no ATM.
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-25-2008 , 08:56 PM
Hi All,

Some more news:

Joe Hachem, Lee Nelson and noted 2p2 personality Tony "Bond18" Dunst (among others) will be running a day-long Poker Seminar this Sunday at Star City Casino. It starts at 1030, costs AUD $595 and includes lunch, a 178-page workbook and free entry into a tournament for a seat into the Main Event. More details and agenda available here:

And we have some additional high-profile players confirmed:
  • Peter Eastgate, 2008 WSOP Main Event Champion
  • John Juanda, 2008 WSOPE Main Event Champion
  • Masaaki Kagawa, noted Japanese High-Stakes Cash Game Player
  • David Saab, APT Manila Champion
There are also large contingents of Korean and Singaporean players on their way down.

The first side event ($200 buy-in Ladies No Limit Holdem) starts at 815pm tonight, and APPT Sydney is underway!

Originally Posted by klunar;
ahhhhhhhh im so undecided if i should come or not
Hmmm... $1M First Prize. Great structures. Lots of side events and cash games. Beautiful weather, beaches, people, food. Lots of online qualifiers, people who have made their way in through pub poker leagues, local players in their first major event, high-energy action-oriented players from across Asia and those guys from TV who you want to bad beat sooo bad. Drinking with Bond18. Really... what's there to decide?


APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-25-2008 , 11:40 PM
[QUOTE=Poker Tatsu;7309831]Drinking with Bond18.[QUOTE]

You had me at drinking
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-25-2008 , 11:54 PM
Is there a way to know if our choice of starting day was approved, or if not, which day we got? I need to know before I leave on Friday what my starting day is.
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-26-2008 , 12:12 AM
I'll be there tomorrow and will most likely be there for the $1500. Gotta hand in an assignment before I get there tomorrow, it's only two and a half weeks late! Apparently there's a markers meeting tomorrow so maybe it's already too late to hand in. Meh, whatever
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-26-2008 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by George Lind III
Is there a way to know if our choice of starting day was approved, or if not, which day we got? I need to know before I leave on Friday what my starting day is.
If you're an online qualifier, you are in the day you selected. Write to confirm.
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-26-2008 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by Poker Tatsu
If you're an online qualifier, you are in the day you selected. Write to confirm.
Great, thanks.
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-26-2008 , 07:01 AM
Originally Posted by Poker Tatsu
Drinking with Bond18. Really... what's there to decide?
I'm not sure I've ever been paid a bigger compliment than having getting wasted with me being used in Pokerstars promotion for an event.

Don't worry, I won't disappoint anyone.
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-27-2008 , 04:18 AM
got all in twice AK v AQs and JJ v AK, lost both, out. event no2 that is. saw seabeast, didn't tell him who i was so i could 3bet him to death if i was at his table. wasnt at his table. fun day.
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-27-2008 , 05:00 AM
Blah got like 52nd or something? Shoved JJ utg, bb snapped and had dem kings sigh. Play was hilariously bad all day, best notable hand I saw was at 25/50 with 5k stacks, two limps, Graeme Putt raises to 200 in mp, CO 3bets to 700, folds to Putt who 4bets to 1900 quickly, CO thinks for a few secs and jams and Putt SNAPfolds KK face up, CO shows AK lolz
Played with Lee Nelson for like two hours, really nice guy and is actually quite good at the pokers, opening and jamming a decent amount and just overall playing really well for a live pro.
No antes sucked huge donkey dick.

Oh and who was wearing the [ ] shirt delivers tee?
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-27-2008 , 06:12 AM
I couldn't make it fnwedfkewnfejkwnfwej had to take care of some stuff which tilted me wat were the numbers like
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-27-2008 , 06:21 AM
Ok I'm sure no one cares but here's my recap from my blog.


Well I just got back from Event 2 of APPT Sydney (somehow titled ‘Opening Event’ despite the obvious chronological difficulties). I got knocked out about two hours in and the whole tournament was rather uneventful. It was a $750 buy-in tournament with 235 runners, 40 minute levels and 5000 chip starting stacks.

The first hand I played I checked my option in the big blind with T9o and we saw a four way flop of TT9ss. I led out 150 into 200 and got called by the button. We were only about 8 hands into the tournament at this point but having already seen this player limp first-in a few times already I assumed he probably wasn’t the strongest player. The turn brought the As. At this point I figured the best way to build a huge pot against a flush would be to go for a check-raise and so I did. I checked and the button bet 200 into 500 and I made it 900 straight (less than 1000! Cheap!). My opponent called and the river was a total blank (3d or something). At this point I figured my opponent was never folding a flush, probably not folding a ten, and probably would call with just an ace too if he somehow had it. I considered overbet shoving for a bit but then decided to just go for a pretty large bet of 1900 into 2300 (less than 2000! Cheap!). He tanked and tanked and eventually folded (a flush he later told me) so I was pretty gutted about that. Oh well, move on.

I then hovered around the 6000 mark for ages, winning a few small pots then losing them back. Eventually with my stack at 5700 and the blinds at 50/100 the button (same dude as the previous hand) opened to 300. I 3-bet from the big blind to 1050 with AKo and he immediately declared “Man, I’m sick of this tournament” and shoved all-in for 3700 total. Uh oh lol. I didn’t particularly like his little speech but I nevertheless failed to see how I could ever get away from this hand so I called and he showed AQc. The board brought running clubs for the flush and I was down to 1975.

For the next hour or so I stole a few blinds here and there and eventually picked up black jacks with a stack of 2575 with the blinds at 150/300. I open shoved in middle position, got called by AKo and an Ace came on the river. And that was that.

Speaking of LOL_live_speech_tells, I saw a pretty hilarious one today. A guy check-called a bet on a KTTr board and then mouthed ‘f**k’ to himself when the third ten came on the turn. Yes, because that ten is a horrible card for your King right? Lol. The turn checked through and the river brought an ace and the guy led out. Now if ever there were a time to fold an ace on a TTKTA board I reckon this was it. Especially when you consider that no one is leading out QJ or a King on that board. The opponent in this hand did look him up with an ace and the guy did have quads. Cool stuff.

Anyway, let’s hope I do a bit better in the 6-max event.
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-27-2008 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by waggles1
I couldn't make it fnwedfkewnfejkwnfwej had to take care of some stuff which tilted me wat were the numbers like
numbers were pretty poor n atmosphere was really bad compared to what i expected. didn't feel like the opening event of a major tournament series at all. not that ive ever been to one
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-27-2008 , 08:26 AM
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-27-2008 , 08:59 AM
Originally Posted by bazooka87
Played with Lee Nelson for like two hours, really nice guy and is actually quite good at the pokers, opening and jamming a decent amount and just overall playing really well for a live pro.
FYI: Lee is the chipleader going into the final table tomorrow.
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-27-2008 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by Poker Tatsu
FYI: Lee is the chipleader going into the final table tomorrow.
Awesome and totally unsurprising.
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-27-2008 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Poker Tatsu
FYI: Lee is the chipleader going into the final table tomorrow.
ffs no way i had him all in very early on i raise early pos wit 97 suited to 250 he called from his BB. flops 1098 i c-bet 500 he c/r all in for around 1200 more i snap call he turns over k10 turn and river blanks LDO

i was wearing a [ ] shirt delivers did any1 see me?
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-27-2008 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by bazooka87
Oh and who was wearing the [ ] shirt delivers tee?
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-27-2008 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by bazooka87

Oh and who was wearing the [ ] shirt delivers tee?
that was me!

i was out after 3 sets cant win races

meh i was pretty devo about my experience cuz i didnt do well 1st time playing on the circuit just a micro donkament grinder who takes degen shots every now n then like today.
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-27-2008 , 02:01 PM

2400$ 6max (woot!)


party 2m gtd + rest of the sunday majors???
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-27-2008 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by jcl

2400$ 6max (woot!)


party 2m gtd + rest of the sunday majors???

losing 2.4k > losing 9k
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
11-27-2008 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Try__An__Hit
losing 2.4k > losing 9k
haha donkaments

hopefully pokerstars processes my FPPs so i'll be on a freeroll for the mainevent
APPT Sydney Nov 26-Dec 8 Quote
