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An apology to "mashxx" et al. RE: a reply I sent after mashxx replied to my Medium MTT thread. An apology to "mashxx" et al. RE: a reply I sent after mashxx replied to my Medium MTT thread.

03-13-2011 , 04:32 PM
Hi - Folks, I started a thread here at 12:52 PM EST on Saturday (under the Medium MTT heading). It was a hand that I wanted some feedback on. I prefaced the question by saying "if it is going to be a sarcastic reply...please just move on to other threads".

One of the replies called me a beginner & unfortunately it rubbed me the wrong way & I immediately wrote a long reply about the fact that I was certainly not a beginner. After I got some sleep & went over this situation with a clear head....hmm...I don't want to make this real this is the bottom line.

I sent a pm to "mashxx"...... the poster who stated I was a beginner. mashxx also asked a moderator to close the thread on the 14th reply....which was done. I actually wanted to post this apology as a reply to that thread...but since it got closed I couldn't do that.

I E-mailed 2+2 & asked if they would open the thread just to include my apology & then close it again. I don't know if they can or want to do that because I haven't received a reply yet.

I wanted it public so everyone involved in the thread could see it including the one's who sorta eviscerated me after my reply....which I guess I had coming.

Here is the pm I sent to "mashxx".

Hello mashxx - Well, I've had a good nights sleep after I wrote an "essay" in regards to your reply to the thread I started about a tourney hand here at 12:52 PM EST on Saturday.

The reply I sent was in no way hostile, vile, or obscene.....but it sure was idiotic after seeing what you wrote again in the light of day.

I guess when you referred to me as a beginner after I had asked for no sarcastic replies.... it just hit me the wrong way & brought about a huge lapse in judgement on my part....which was probably brought about because I had been up for so long & had some problems with unrelated issues.

Please take this apology in the spirit which it is intended. Hmm....might as well make it official....."sorry, I apologize". OK - I've dealt with this issue to the best of my ability & will be moving on to other things now.

dex 1
03-13-2011 , 04:37 PM
idk about anyone else, but i certainly dont care even a little bit. i hate that this thread would detract attention from the threat i just started lol. close this!
03-13-2011 , 04:39 PM
less posting more studying
03-13-2011 , 05:10 PM
Yeah this thread and that one are definitely "Medium" MTT threads.

Because they aren't rare and they certainly aren't well done!
03-13-2011 , 06:27 PM
welcome to the internet

Last edited by phos77; 03-13-2011 at 06:28 PM. Reason: also vn jchauvin :p
03-13-2011 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by ADHDeezNUTZ
idk about anyone else, but i certainly dont care even a little bit. i hate that this thread would detract attention from the threat i just started lol. close this!
completely agree

hud op
03-13-2011 , 11:15 PM
no offense, but keep your PM's as PM's plz.
03-14-2011 , 03:37 AM
Dude we really don't care
Can't remember which one it is now
03-14-2011 , 06:51 AM
thanks for clearing this up
03-14-2011 , 07:29 AM
I closed that thread and am closing this, I appreciate you wanting to get it cleared up OP but I think you're in danger of taking it too seriously. If you think anyone took offence IM them I doubt they're too bothered to be honest.

Anyway enjoy the forum
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