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am just getting crushed :/ am just getting crushed :/

03-10-2016 , 04:03 PM
so here it is my 1st post on this site. been playing pokerstars for a few years and doing ok i guess, but as soon as amaya took over been on just a stupid stupid STUPID bab bad bad place in my life because of a ***** site. its making me think about giving up poker for good its like my account is jinxed and there's nothing i can do about it. played around 400-500 mtt's in the last couple of month and had pretty much nothing after depositing over and over. had a break in between to try and freshin up. NOPE back to losing fk micro stakes and FK pokerBOTrigstars!! it really is starting to make me feel like the site is rigged (shoutout magic612) <haha>

any advice of anyone would do alot for me.

little back story of poker for me. use to play alot on pkr and do really well but since the field size had dropped i made the switch to stars and now i am really regretting it. thanks for reading advice would go along way. CHeeR's
am just getting crushed :/ Quote
03-11-2016 , 02:35 AM
hey man, i used to play on pkr a fair bit and was making some alright money but then made the switch to stars and was breaking even/losing for a bit. my advice is play really low stakes and chill. the level of play on pkr is definitely lower quality than stars but the fields are much bigger so if you bink on stars on a small buyin tourney your roi is a lot higher. spend a good amount of time looking over your hands after you play tourneys and relax a bit. whenever i feel like RNjesus hates me i go play in 10c tourneys and i just dick around making stupid ****ing plays and trying to chat up people at the table, get my swagger back you know? have a good one
am just getting crushed :/ Quote
03-11-2016 , 07:05 AM
thanks man was learning new games also to try and mix it up a bit. was actually thinking about switching to PLO, PLO8 and 8game tourneys since my roi is lets just say alot higher in them fields. i have talked to a freind who says after playing alot of mixed games your NL game loses touch. looked back through alot of small mtts and found people call way to wide in small mtt's. need to tighten my range up a lot and play bigger mtt's with smaller feilds. got my self a shoce chart and going to try some turbo's i know its more variance but deeper in mtt's after grinding long hpours i get a lil bored and open more than i should. cheers for the reply and good luck at the tables.
am just getting crushed :/ Quote
03-11-2016 , 09:22 AM
If you're having difficulty with the variance in NLHE, the worst move you can make is moving to PLO/PLO8. Those games can be absolutely brutal.

Take a break, examine your game, read some stuff, and then start fresh.
am just getting crushed :/ Quote
03-11-2016 , 10:25 AM
Mtt's are just massive variance. Your playing on the hardest site with massive fields. dedicate more poker time to study. You may of been playing perfect poker over a sample that size and still lose heaps. But taking the time to study helps you not develope any bad run tilt and find and fix any leaks that do exist in your game.

Review games with hud. lood at your adjusted c net more then actual results.

Have a play with an roi simulator and see just how sick variance can be over surprisingly large samples. This helps with mental game.

You could also try some 180 man mtsng's smaller fields with lower variance. they play pretty much the same and you will be able to increase volume per time spent playing which will help lower variance.

Or you could transfer bank roll to 888 or similair. The MTT's are much softer and huds still work. ( but if you play more then 6 tables and use table ninja i wouldnt reccomend it as ninja on 888 sucks)

Make sure you have a good bankroll management strategy. The imprtance of which can not be over stressed in high variance formats such as mtt's.
am just getting crushed :/ Quote
03-11-2016 , 01:36 PM
[QUOTE=Or you could transfer bank roll to 888 or similair. The MTT's are much softer.[/QUOTE]


I play on Bovada and the lower buyin ty's are pretty soft. Players can be very bad.
am just getting crushed :/ Quote
