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AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn

03-31-2010 , 08:45 PM
Thoughts on all streets appreciated, thank you.

Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em Tournament, 50/100 Blinds (9 handed) - Full-Tilt Converter Tool from

MP3 (t6080)
CO (t5470)
Button (t4225)
SB (t12600)
BB (t14120)
Hero (UTG) (t9040)
UTG+1 (t5755)
MP1 (t7645)
MP2 (t4425)

Hero's M: 60.27

Preflop: Hero is UTG with K, A
Hero bets t300, 1 fold, MP1 calls t300, 4 folds, SB calls t250, 1 fold

Flop: (t1000) 3, A, 5 (3 players)
SB checks, Hero checks, MP1 checks

Turn: (t1000) 8 (3 players)
SB bets t550, Hero raises to t1100, MP1 raises to t1650, 1 fold, Hero calls t550

River: (t4850) 4 (2 players)
AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn Quote
03-31-2010 , 08:48 PM
Turn is probably a fold. River was a possible CRAI or open shove I thought, but it felt kind of gross and I'm not confident he can fold a set here.
AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn Quote
03-31-2010 , 09:09 PM
Your check on the Flop is a disaster.
Your raise OTT is too small. t1600 next time and call a shove.
The board is a disaster, idk what we can get value from by shoving, and I don't like c/c either. I think our only play is c/f or c/c a very smallish bet.
AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn Quote
03-31-2010 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by Foks

Your check on the Flop is a disaster.
Your raise OTT is too small. t1600 next time and call a shove.
The board is a disaster, idk what we can get value from by shoving, and I don't like c/c either. I think our only play is c/f or c/c a very smallish bet.

I had a sick feeling about the hand and wanted to pot control (if I am raised on the flop then I probably have to fold, but check/calling gets me to the turn without inflating the pot with one pair).

The board is so dry that I am comfortable giving a free turn card and hopefully getting more value from marginal hands and losing less to monsters.

My hand is not very strong in a 3-way pot. There are many hands that beat me. On the other hand, I have a lot of showdown value. If I open UTG and bet flop OOP my hand is quite transparent I feel. Therefore, if I am called in one or two spots, I am most likely behind, as the board is quite dry and it then becomes very difficult to get to showdown cheaply (unless someone is trying to outplay me - but these guys won't most of the time). Also, because the board is so dry, I doubt that I can get value from very many hands (other than weaker aces) and I am going to own myself against sets/2prs.

Sets/2pr are checking on that flop often, too I feel.


I should probably fold here, but because of flop check and weak bet felt that my hand was somewhat disguised and could be represented as a high 2nd pair etc. So, I called with the intention of bluffing at some rivers and folding if there is much more action.


Shoving or check-raising all in was turning my hand into a bluff (I am definitely not value shoving here, ever, unless a guy is like 100/0). I think I am good on the river about 5 % of the time (or less). Ax of hearts is a credible bluff but would prefer to make that play with at least one blocker.

Last edited by bringmywholeclan; 03-31-2010 at 09:35 PM.
AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn Quote
03-31-2010 , 09:19 PM
"Sick feelings" are -cEV

in a $10 I bomb flop, bomb turn, am probably pot committed otr if I make it there even instead of 3bet shove ott, so I shove for fe
AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn Quote
03-31-2010 , 09:31 PM
This reminds me of the quads hand where you were scared of a straight flush just because it was possible.

Flop check is bad because they mostly have pairs weaker aces (usually not with wheel cards) and hands like KJ and T9. Need to get value from aces. A bet just means you're trying to win the pot. A checkraise means AT is in trouble.

Turn you're never in front.

River, I don't think people fold 888 to a shove just because the three flush comes in. Prob some nits that do but I wouldn't risk it. You'd be more likely trying to rep a 2 but as EP raiser, you don't have a 2 so don't bother. And yes shoving turns your hand into a bluff. You have nothing anyway.
AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn Quote
03-31-2010 , 09:40 PM
My line is very exploitable (by good players who will deny me cheap showdown) and I appreciate the constructive criticism. Thanks guys.

To be honest it's not a hand I want to go all the way with really at all.

I think the turn play is critical though. I had shown a lot of strength preflop and particularly the first caller must have a big hand to call me preflop and cold 3bet me on the turn.

He had AA.
AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:02 PM
I just want to bet out that your hand is not transparent if you cbet this flops. This is a very very good flop to cbet, and if your opponents are thinking enough to think about the range of hands that bet here, they probably understand that you bet out a lot and are generally only checking big hands

ott we are not optimistic about the hand but I think it's still correct to get it in. Aq, maybe aj raises you here, maybe kk too thinking you'd bet an a on the flop.
AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn Quote
03-31-2010 , 10:56 PM
Its really a bad play checking this in a 3 way pot. Betting is the right play. A bet will give you information if your beat on the flop and hands you are ahead of such as AJ or JJ may call you thinking your CB is weak. Not transparent at all. In an mtt you need to bet this flop almost every time! I'd say your behind on the turn almost every time though.
AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn Quote
04-01-2010 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by manderson7
Its really a bad play checking this in a 3 way pot. Betting is the right play. A bet will give you information if your beat on the flop and hands you are ahead of such as AJ or JJ may call you thinking your CB is weak. Not transparent at all. In an mtt you need to bet this flop almost every time! I'd say your behind on the turn almost every time though.
Why does the fact that it is 3-way make it worse to check?

I don't like betting for information unless stacks are super deep (and it's not close to that situation in this hand). Betting for value is fine - think JJ etc. more likely to pay off on turn after flop check, but agree about Ax.
AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn Quote
04-01-2010 , 01:14 AM
Def betting flop every time. Not only for value, but so I can also bet A high flops with other hands.

Given turn texture I'm betting there too. Iffy turns (Q,J,10) I might exercise some pot control.

As played fold the turn bc he's def not doing that with worse there. I'd prob just flat his bet anyways. Seems like 2 pr or set so it would even be a fold. But I think this line is taken by Villain with AQ, AJ, A10 enough to call the turn.

Don't see monsters in the closet and don't be results oriented.
AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn Quote
04-01-2010 , 01:34 AM
You've got to bet here, just for straight up value. These guys are 10$ donkament villains. Their preflop calling range consists of every ace possible, amongst other things. As such, they will call here with Ax a TON. They're also not folding any pocket pair above 55, some 5x and occasionally even 3x. They're also not folding the 24s one of them could have. Heck if theyre particuarly bad they may call with KQs sometimes because they think "you're bluffing"
Firing away again for pure value. They're still gonna call with a ton of stuff.
Probably betting again, why not. If he got here with AJ then he's calling river too.

As played, prefer 3betting larger on turn to ~ 1666 but in general its just a yucky spot. I hate folding to minbets with a good hand even though its so often the nuts. Its just such a good price to try and catch the crazy random bluff which happens. But by calling the turn bet we have to check/call river. If we aren't committed to check/calling river then turn has to be a fold since villain will bet basically all rivers (he 4bet the turn in a 10$ tournament!!!!)

I think shoving or check/shoving are both horrible options because 10$ donkament players aren't folding anything that they 4bet on th turn on the river, which leaves check/calling as your only valid river play no matter how incredibly awful it feels.
AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn Quote
04-01-2010 , 09:29 AM
did not read the responses but checking the flop 3way is kinda silly, i'd just cbet and go from there

as played call turn and go from there, if MP makes a bigger raise fold

as played c/f river or call a smallish bet
AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn Quote
04-01-2010 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by bringmywholeclan
My line is very exploitable (by good players who will deny me cheap showdown) and I appreciate the constructive criticism. Thanks guys.

To be honest it's not a hand I want to go all the way with really at all.

I think the turn play is critical though. I had shown a lot of strength preflop and particularly the first caller must have a big hand to call me preflop and cold 3bet me on the turn.

He had AA.
Sorry guys I think his line is fine, I think he knows that he's behind once he sees the flop. That's why you take a passive line on this hand, who's calling 300 chips? You got trapped by AA, and I think it's a super hand to illustrate how to lose the least amount of chips. If you thought that you were ahead on this, I think you would have fire all 3 streets.

I could be wrong.....but still I like your line.
AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn Quote
04-01-2010 , 11:47 AM
Thanks to all who responded.

Originally Posted by letthecardsfall
Def betting flop every time. Not only for value, but so I can also bet A high flops with other hands.

Given turn texture I'm betting there too. Iffy turns (Q,J,10) I might exercise some pot control.

As played fold the turn bc he's def not doing that with worse there. I'd prob just flat his bet anyways. Seems like 2 pr or set so it would even be a fold. But I think this line is taken by Villain with AQ, AJ, A10 enough to call the turn.

Don't see monsters in the closet and don't be results oriented.

In a vaccuum I am betting that flop 90 % of the time (for value). Against the second caller, I fire all 3 streets and get it in (as he will pay me off with much worse). However, the first player to flat me after I open UTG was tight. His cold calling range there consists entirely of premium hands. AQ is the absolute baseline of his range in my opinion, so for him to call (or raise) me on that board after I opened UTG means I am probably drawing dead.

I did not put him on top set - but honestly, at the time, I felt his range is pretty much a set or AK/AQ (2 pair seems very unlikely as he is probably not calling a UTG raise with A8 or worse). From his perspective, he most likely put me on a monster hand and flatted with AA hoping to catch a flop on which he can stack me if I have like QQ or KK (e.g. on a T high flop) or AK if I hit an A or K. With that in mind I thought that KK or QQ are also possible and if that is his holding I am not very much at risk and can extract more value from the flop check.

Could you elaborate on why you bet that flop so that you can also bet similar flops without an ace? Are you trying to merge your range?


Last edited by bringmywholeclan; 04-01-2010 at 12:10 PM.
AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn Quote
04-01-2010 , 12:46 PM
Yes, you always want to merge your range

also remember that in these small stakes mtgs villains love aces and will call with lots of aces. If they have at or something they hate to fold it like this and will always call at least one street for value, maybe two

now when we get ott and we get raise we start to feel sick about the hand, but you were just psyching yourself out otf, there is no reason to believe that he has a set there. I think our hand is just too strong to fold.

Maybe you could makes a case for just calling the turn and c/c otr... But our hand is way too strong to fold for just a minraise ott. For every time this is he nuts there will be another villain doing it with aq or kk
AKs UTG in  MTT on Full Tilt - facing minraise from tight player on the turn Quote
