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AKs possibly mis-played 3 times in same hand AKs possibly mis-played 3 times in same hand

09-03-2009 , 09:15 AM
Live MTT 80 players 6000 starting stacks 30 min levels. Near the end of Level 2 blinds are 75/150 77 players left.

Hero and Villian both begin hand with 5000 chips. UTG limps. Hero in MP raises to 600 with AK. SB re-raises to 1800. UTG folds. Villian is a solid regular who has played no big hands to this point. Hero? My gut instinct was to fold this early in the tourney...didn't do this. My second plan was to push but didn't want to at-best be racing at this point either....didn't think I had much fold equity here thinking I was up against QQ or better. Of course I chose option #3 which was to flat call. Don't really like calling over 1/3 of my chips here....thoughts?

Flop is 10JQ giving me the nut straight with the nut heart draw. Villian checks. Hero checks. I don't like my play here at all either. Definately think I should push here. Additional heart for me is bad as it potentially kills any action from AA and KK. Bad play #2?

Turn is J pairing the board. Villian leads out 1800. Instinct is to fold but of course I push and get insta-called by 1010. Bad play #3? Can you fold here?
AKs possibly mis-played 3 times in same hand Quote
09-03-2009 , 09:20 AM
4 bet shove pre or fold...I can't see folding here

on flop you guys both have PSB left so I don't hate checking

turn sucks but don't see ever getting away here with these stacks and action
AKs possibly mis-played 3 times in same hand Quote
09-03-2009 , 09:21 AM
Shove pre. I would usually fold TT to a push preflop but im a nit sometimes. I think you played the flop ok. You want worse hands to bet into you there. On the River if you put him on QQ preflop why did you shove? Board paired your beat if thats his holding. Just fold if you know your beat. I'd be ok with a call at this point but a shove is terribad imo. And don't post results. It may skew the responses you get.
AKs possibly mis-played 3 times in same hand Quote
