Join Date: Sep 2019
Posts: 445
In an MTT today, I realized I made a pretty disciplined play I simply would not have done in my past after getting more to terms with my equity estimations.
I think what happened is UTG or UTG+1 on a 9 handed table opened for 2-3x, hijack cold called, I in cut-off 3-Bet 2.5x, UTG 4-bet jammed and I tanked for a while and decided to fold. My pot odds couldn't have been better than 45% as it was a pretty sizable shove, but I was just not too sure what I'd want to call off here with. If I called off, I would have been down to around 10BB relatively early on, and just didn't think he'd shove with less than TT+ at least (although who tf knows sometimes...). The only hands I could think of that I'd beat is AQs if he bluffs that OOP and maybe A5s. Everything else, I'm flipping or am crushed. I figured "if they were suited", and just decided to begrudgingly fold. I would be bluff jamming AKo for sure a lot of the time, but I don't see a call being too great ever really unless later stages.
What do you fellas think?