AK and AQ during low blind play
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 2,073
How are people playing AK and AQ when the blinds are low?
Are you limping or raising? Are you folding to a raise, calling a raise, or threebetting?
If you were the preflop raiser, what percentage of flops are you cbetting against one player? against two players?
are you normally checking behind the turn with TPTK if you get called on the flop? are you often going for pot control?
The more people wanna help me with low blind play, the better (dont limit yourself to AK AQ, if you have more info)
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 6,275
AK is always a raising hand for me if it's limped/unopened.
I might not occasionally from the blinds if there are lots of limpers and I prolly won't take it down before the flop, but that's about it.
I usually threebet raises, but that depends on raiser and position.
AQo I fold in early positions, might limp behind in mid to late position. Will usually open with a raise in mid to late position. Usually fold to a raise, though far from always.
AQs is a hand I usually raise UTG, though not for certain. I generally call raises with it.
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 2,526
eury pretty much summed it up
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 10,519
Limp AK and AQ in EP sometimes raise AK in EP. Raise AK and AQs in MP. Raise both suited and un of each from LP if you are opening. If there are limpers I limp AQ and raise AK.
Fold AQo to a raise. Call AK. Call AQs if the raiser isn't a regular or nitty, else fold.
Edit: I 3bet AK against very loose openers or complete unknowns.
Don't play for pot control with AK/AQ except on terrible boards at lvl 2. With 50bbs you should almost always be willing to stack off with TPTK. At lvl 1 I'm only playing pot control on bad boards or against competent opponents.