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AJo in SB facing raise from button AJo in SB facing raise from button

12-04-2007 , 03:25 PM
I couldn't find a suitable hand converter for Betsson / OnGame, so I'll just try to prettify this as much as I can. Here goes:

Betsson NL $150 Tournament, 800/1600 blinds, 10 players

Seat 1: BB ($54,200 in chips)
Seat 2: UTG ($56,572 in chips)
Seat 3: UTG+1 ($90,785 in chips)
Seat 4: EP1 ($56,284 in chips)
Seat 5: EP2 ($103,560 in chips)
Seat 6: MP1 ($90,634 in chips)
Seat 7: MP2 ($84,196 in chips)
Seat 8: CO ($107,487 in chips)
Seat 9: BTN ($140,761 in chips)
Seat 10: Hero (SB) ($74,032 in chips)

Pre-Flop: (300) AD JS dealt to Hero (SB)
7 folds, BTN raises to 4800, Hero raises to 13550, BB folds, BTN calls 9550

Flop: (30,300) 6C 2S AS (2 Players)

This was a major tournament for Norwegians only, with a slow and nice playing structure (20 000 starting chips, 30 minute levels) and play had been going for over 7 hours so far. I recently lost half my stack with 777 against KKK, but switched tables after that hand, and have only been at this table for about 10-15 minutes. The table has been playing pretty tight, even thought it's not really close to the money yet. The player on the button has seemed tight as well, and this is the first time I see him raising from the button.

Should I reraise in this spot? Do I reraise too much? What do I do now on the flop?

Comments appreciated.
AJo in SB facing raise from button Quote
12-04-2007 , 03:43 PM
This is why I hate AJ, especially OOP. You are so often dominated here, especially by a tight player.

I throw out a continuation bet, if that doesn't win it I'm done with the hand.
AJo in SB facing raise from button Quote
12-04-2007 , 10:58 PM
The starting chips and stack sizes tell me you are nowhere near the money yet. Is that right?
AJo in SB facing raise from button Quote
12-04-2007 , 11:41 PM
if i reraise im raising MORE setting up for a shove on flop .like 25k .otherwise id flat call .
AJo in SB facing raise from button Quote
12-05-2007 , 06:58 AM
Originally Posted by HangerAngler
The starting chips and stack sizes tell me you are nowhere near the money yet. Is that right?
Well, sort-of near at least. Out of 700-something people who started to play the event, there was around 160-170 left, and the top 90 would receive money. But obviously not a bubble situation as such.
AJo in SB facing raise from button Quote
12-05-2007 , 09:18 AM
Does it not seem better from your observations of the button that you should pass pre-flop? I can see a similar move working later in the tournament where you end up shoving with fold equity, (or, later, making a carbon copy play on the button) but with the blinds and the structure you will inevitably come across a much more favorable situation. Also, if the villain can float you on the flop you could end up in a sick situation. If a spade comes on the turn are you done with the hand? Personally I would pass this pre-flop and see if the villain has merely opened up his late position range over the space of a few orbits. Thoughts?
AJo in SB facing raise from button Quote
12-05-2007 , 09:26 AM
Raise a bit more PF! Bet-folding this flop is horrible... Bet out 20K and call a re-raise/shove, if he has AK/AQ, so be it...
AJo in SB facing raise from button Quote
12-05-2007 , 09:56 AM
his opening range should be very wide here.

as he calls your raise it's still quite wide, as he might set you on a resteal.

i don't think this is AK very often, which should have 4-betted preflop, so your concern is AQ, maybe a set and a draw.

I would also bet this turn for protection, and call/push any raise obv.
AJo in SB facing raise from button Quote
12-05-2007 , 11:23 AM
He doesn't call with anything we beat. You think Villian is going all the way with A10 here? I'd not reraise preflop without the intention of stacking if an A or J hits. IMO this is the type of hand that gets you knocked out of the tourney because you never know where you are with this mediocre hand.
AJo in SB facing raise from button Quote
12-05-2007 , 01:17 PM
Bet about 18000 call a shove.
AJo in SB facing raise from button Quote
12-05-2007 , 02:32 PM
You absolutely have to raise more PF.

I am very convinced that when stacks are deep and you are OOP, it is absolutely necessary to raise more than usual PF.

You must make it hurt the villain to play in 3 ways.
1) Cut down his pot odds.
2) Cut down his implied odds.
3) Cut down his positional advantage.

Raising more PF does all of these. Sometimes he will have a big hand and 4-bet shove. But guess what. Who cares? We have a deep stack and we were able to preseve most of it by avoiding playing a bloated (but not huge) pot OOP. If he wants to smooth call a big re-raise PF, so be it. But we have given ourselves a chance to profit by cutting down all of his advantages. We have made post-flop decisions easier by already becoming committed to the pot (when he calls) and have negated his positional advantage.

Oh yeah, as played I don't think you can fold.

AJo in SB facing raise from button Quote
12-07-2007 , 02:02 AM
lets say the flop is 2-2-8..... now what?
AJo in SB facing raise from button Quote
