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Afraid to play roll? Afraid to play roll?

07-25-2009 , 08:02 PM
Couple months ago, bcak in December, I put in 50 dolalrs into my account. I manage to get it up to about $190. I lost it all. Don't worry I used Bankroll management. I just felt so scared to playing it that I lost my whole roll in less than a month. I wasn't on my game becuase of this fear of losing my roll.

After this experiment, I learned ALOT. I realized that its Poker and that nothing is certain, adn you HAVE to gamble, not a little, but ALOT.

two weeks ago, after I lost my whole roll, I decided not to put in 50 dollars anymore or any money into poker. I didn't want to become in debt. So i lpayed those freerolls, the 2700 ones, and after a lot of volume in playing those i won 11 dollars in total. a week has gone by and I accumulated it to about 45 dollars. So now I fear I might be in the situation as last time where i will play scared adn lose my money.

Although i did learn my lesson, this could still very well happen. My question is how do i prevent this?
Afraid to play roll? Quote
07-25-2009 , 08:04 PM
Best poster ever?

You know the problem, if it's psychological only you can fix it
Afraid to play roll? Quote
07-25-2009 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by EvertonYorkie
Best poster ever?

You know the problem, if it's psychological only you can fix it
best poster ever?

guess there is nothing more to be said. Thanks anyway. I'll do my best.
Afraid to play roll? Quote
07-25-2009 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by bobkat1
best poster ever?

guess there is nothing more to be said. Thanks anyway. I'll do my best.
Best poster ever?

Yeah, if you know that by playing scared you'll go busto, be scared of playing scared imo
Afraid to play roll? Quote
07-25-2009 , 08:09 PM
Play like 40 $1 tournaments. If you are broke at the end, quit poker. If you have money left, repeat the process.

When you get to $150-250, let us know and we'll tell you to do the same at the $3 level.

Btw, this should be for 45mans and less.
Afraid to play roll? Quote
07-25-2009 , 08:10 PM
this is a duplicate Mike DH account imo.
Afraid to play roll? Quote
07-25-2009 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by sambo707
Play like 40 $1 tournaments. If you are broke at the end, quit poker. If you have money left, repeat the process.

When you get to $150-250, let us know and we'll tell you to do the same at the $3 level.

Btw, this should be for 45mans and less.
40 $1 sitngoes? is this for stars or Full tilt. Stars has less rake so im assuming stars? 45 man?
Afraid to play roll? Quote
07-25-2009 , 08:14 PM
Sure stars. And 45mans or less. Variance above that is too high for only 40BI, even at these super-soft levels.
Afraid to play roll? Quote
07-25-2009 , 08:30 PM
i dont believe ur mispellings are authentic, nor you
Afraid to play roll? Quote
07-25-2009 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by EvertonYorkie
Best poster ever?

Yeah, if you know that by playing scared you'll go busto, be scared of playing scared imo
this is exactly what i needed to hear plus the other advice. Thank you Yorkie, i'll remember this, ill be back to update on my roll for those who care.
Afraid to play roll? Quote
08-01-2009 , 03:33 PM
Afraid to play roll? Quote
08-01-2009 , 03:45 PM
Afraid to play roll? Quote
08-01-2009 , 03:52 PM
get a job
Afraid to play roll? Quote
08-01-2009 , 04:45 PM
I currently grind 1.10 9 man sngs on pokerstars and i'm right with you OP. I'm on a roughly 300 bi downswing because i'm just afraid to play, i'm afraid to lose my 500$ - so much so i've lost nearly 60% of it, how can we fix this?
Afraid to play roll? Quote
08-01-2009 , 04:48 PM
stop fearing money
make money fear you
Afraid to play roll? Quote
