I've been playing 6 max SNG's, i prefer them to FR because theres more hands, more action etc. I started with a $50 BR, built it up to $100 playing $2 sng's, then moved up to $5, built up to $140, then got a downswing which took me under $100, moved down to $2 SNG's to try to rebuild, and so far i've been slowly losing and i am now back to my original roll of $50. Thats right.. i can't beat $2 SNG's
So far my ROI for $2 SNG's is 6% over 200 games.
I play similarly as i would in a 6 max cash game. 18/14. Tight in SB, BB, UTG, and get looser as i get to the BTN. Raise 3-4x PF, and c-bet when conditions are good.
Many times, i find myself as super short stacked when theres 4 or 3 players left, and forced to shove with Ax type hands, which leads to my demise.
perhaps i should tighten up? what is some general advice you can give to playing 6 max. Links to other threads/articles etc.. would be nice.