Fact: Wile E Coyote was a vain ******* of a failure whos schemes NEVER worked, at least no one would miss little blue mutants if gargamel backed his ass into a winning scheme, Roadrunners are ****ing endangered so hes a failed poacher.
Fact: Chocobos get ridden around like little bitches, enough said.
Fact: Ima let you finish, but Beyonce had the best video of all time.
Fact: Dinosaurs rape. Alot.
Conclusion: In a 3k prop bet starting on 10-19-10, Mori and Smokrokflok will be joining forces in a losing effort vs yours truly, kleath. Im going to destroy them and anything they touch will become toxic from ruination. I mean cmon, did you see smokroks wsop bustout hand? Yea. Mori thinks pipedream is lag and scoop isnt for 6 months, so yeah dinosaurs rape and these heath ledgers dont stand a chance of getting the top 20 plb scores over a 30 day period, ya dig. Dinosaurs RAPE.