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Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit.

12-29-2009 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by marek_heinz
Not to be mean, but 'advanced freeroll player' is hilarious
Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Quote
12-29-2009 , 10:26 PM
post yer graph
Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Quote
12-29-2009 , 10:35 PM
Ask Annette, she has progressed from advanced freeroller.
Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Quote
12-30-2009 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by iPOKER313
what is a standard amount of money to deposit to play $1 mtts and stts?
As long as you're at an advanced freeroll stage, I would just deposit $350 and play the Sunday Million and a $109 fo.
Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Quote
12-30-2009 , 03:38 AM
Originally Posted by iPOKER313
LOL @ )4...half these people are losin players anyway lol
why are you going to try and insult anyone? i'm sure half of these losing players are light years ahead of your advanced freerollness.
Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Quote
12-30-2009 , 03:53 AM
is this a level lol?
Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Quote
12-30-2009 , 04:02 AM
Hi, I'm Brandon G from Detroit,MI and i play on ps and ftp.I've been playing freerolls and sit-n-gos for about a year now and im on here trying to further my poker knowledge.Ive had an interest in poker since September 2007(thats when i printed my first informative page about poker) and have been playin and studyin ever since.Now that Ive discovered forums I'm looking forward to sharing my thoughts and experiences with the 2+2 community.So please b my guest to give any advice or tips as I'll do
Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Quote
12-30-2009 , 04:41 AM
the sunday majors are the closest thing to play money, i suggest those
Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Quote
12-30-2009 , 07:29 AM
100% no way this is real.

Begone Gypsy, we want none of your wares here.....
Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Quote
12-30-2009 , 07:42 AM
as long as you know when to hold them, and know when to fold them, you'll be right
Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Quote
12-30-2009 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by linktrix
as long as you know when to hold them, and know when to fold them, you'll be right
So I suggest to play hyperturbo sattelites.
Edit: and in superturbo sng's on tilt you should do fine too.
Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Quote
12-30-2009 , 10:57 AM
Advanced freeroll player? Isn't that an oxymoron?
Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Quote
12-30-2009 , 12:53 PM
100% level.

Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Quote
12-30-2009 , 02:24 PM
i won the old 900 person freeroll on ftp twice, for $8 each time, and thats the only money ive put into poker. booyah
Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Quote
12-30-2009 , 05:34 PM
If you want to make REAL money when you actually learn how to play the game in a few years do yourself a HUGE favor and never come into "tournament poker" forum again.

Just start learning cash game strategy. You already said you were not a complete monkey so you are probably better than half the micro cash game population. Deposit $100 and play .01/.02 nl. In 3 years after progressing through the levels you'll be making more $ per year than probably 90 percent of donkament players.
Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Quote
12-30-2009 , 08:24 PM
Your ROI will go down imo
Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Quote
12-30-2009 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by highlandfox
Ask Annette, she has progressed from advanced freeroller.
chris the jeezus fergusson is another expert freeroller, id ask him as well
Advanced freeroll player looking to bring my style to the mtt's after my first deposit. Quote
