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Add-On Question (PS "Special" Rebuy Tournament k guarantee) Add-On Question (PS "Special" Rebuy Tournament k guarantee)

11-01-2008 , 07:37 PM
I logged on to Poker Stars a minute ago, and I saw there was a $5 rebuy tournament that had just started. Oh goody, I thought, I've been reading up on low stakes rebuy strategy on this site, and it's time to put some of what I've learned into practice.

So, I entered the tournament instantly without thinking twice.

I then looked in the tournament lobby to find that it was a "special" rebuy. This rebuy went back to the 1 hour rebuy period, but now offers a $25 add-on after the break for 5,000 extra chips.

Since I've never encountered this before, I figured I'd ask the community. From a strategic standpoint, in this "special" circumstance, what stack size should I have relative to the average before this becomes a worthwhile purchase? Should I have 1x average, 1.5x, 0.5x, or add on no matter what?
Add-On Question (PS "Special" Rebuy Tournament k guarantee) Quote
11-01-2008 , 07:41 PM
I dont play that one cause it seems wicked weird, but I'd assume you never take the add on for that much because chips depreciate in value later surely 5000 chips is never worth 25$ in a 5$ tourney.

Someone else please respond.
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11-01-2008 , 08:17 PM
I got 15 minutes to decide, to add on or not to add on....
I have 5,397 chips, and average is 4449...this will change, I know, but I'm trying to figure out if it's worth it to add the extra 5k to the stack for $25. Chip leader has 23,541.
Noteworthy, I rebought one time for $5 as soon as I got seated, so I only have $10 invested in the tournament, and started with 2,000 chips (1,000 per player w/o rebuy).
Field size was 431, now down to 272 just before end of rebuy period.
Add-on or no if I make it to the break with roughly this stack size?

Last edited by HollywoodVictor; 11-01-2008 at 08:34 PM.
Add-On Question (PS "Special" Rebuy Tournament k guarantee) Quote
11-01-2008 , 08:32 PM
Stack now 5247, average stack 6228 field size down to 228 of 432, chip leader has approx 30k chips
Prize pool is now over $7k
Add-On Question (PS "Special" Rebuy Tournament k guarantee) Quote
11-01-2008 , 08:35 PM
432 entries, 998 rebuys, with 2 minutes to go 111 add ons, prize pool now close to $10k
Add-On Question (PS "Special" Rebuy Tournament k guarantee) Quote
11-01-2008 , 08:37 PM
eh, I just did it, I just added on - average stack had gone to 8k, I went to 10k with my add-on, and for $35 I get a real good chance at a decent return. Maybe I made the technically wrong move. Did I?
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11-01-2008 , 08:37 PM
Obviously take the add on
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11-01-2008 , 08:57 PM
yah, i found myself taking the addon since the blinds are still either 100-200 or 125-250. i have stopped playing it tho, meh.
Add-On Question (PS "Special" Rebuy Tournament k guarantee) Quote
11-01-2008 , 09:03 PM
i prefer the add-on, as i like to take however many chips they'll let me get my hands on, whether purchasing them or winning them.

however, you should expect to spend $40-$70 on avg in this tournament, IMO.

i have stopped playing it tho, meh
qft, mostly b/c it doesnt seem worth $40-$70
Add-On Question (PS "Special" Rebuy Tournament k guarantee) Quote
11-01-2008 , 09:11 PM
I know paying 25$ for 5000 chips in a $5 tournament is definietly wrong. Is it not?
Put it this way say your buddy buys into a live $5 tourney( i know they dont exist) he then realizes he has to leave soon. Starting stacks are 1500 he in the first three hands gets his up to 6500. Would you pay him $30 dollars for his stack? say the field says is the average of the online tournament in question.
Add-On Question (PS "Special" Rebuy Tournament k guarantee) Quote
11-01-2008 , 09:44 PM
Arnold Snyder in PTF/PTF2 would argue that the chips are much needed ammunition and will provide you with a lot more utility than you would have otherwise.

If you are a skilled player, then having a bigger stack will allow you to use that skill better. I don't know if this is worth $25 in equity, but it probably is if you're a good player, especially as this is a $5 rebuy.
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11-01-2008 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Stryd0r
Arnold Snyder in PTF/PTF2 would argue that the chips are much needed ammunition and will provide you with a lot more utility than you would have otherwise.

not familiar with who or what (A.Snyder, PTF) you are referring to but i couldnt agree more. even more so as i have noticed that many players do NOT take the add-on in this, and thus give up exactly that chip utility you are looking to gain

Last edited by kidpoker406; 11-01-2008 at 10:07 PM.
Add-On Question (PS "Special" Rebuy Tournament k guarantee) Quote
11-01-2008 , 11:08 PM
I just wouldn't play this tourney.. taking the add-on is technically correct most likely, but sure sucks.
Add-On Question (PS "Special" Rebuy Tournament k guarantee) Quote
11-02-2008 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by kidpoker406
not familiar with who or what (A.Snyder, PTF) you are referring to but i couldnt agree more. even more so as i have noticed that many players do NOT take the add-on in this, and thus give up exactly that chip utility you are looking to gain
PTF refers to Poker Tournament Formula, two books which discuss the idea of utility in great detail.
Add-On Question (PS "Special" Rebuy Tournament k guarantee) Quote
11-02-2008 , 12:42 PM
I play these NLO8 tourneys, and here's my strategy: I insta-add, crush, bust, double rebuy, then add-on if I have less than 3.5k chips at break. Otherwise the competition is so soft and structure good enough for me to save the add-on, and still not lose much equity.

BTW, my avg stack at break is around 10k in these.
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