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A7o utg 6 handed 7bb A7o utg 6 handed 7bb

11-14-2012 , 04:47 AM
60$ Live Deep stack turbo

11/115 players left (pays top 10)1st 1500$ 10th 110$

6 handed

Hero had been active.
The table had not adjusted to the blinds being so high.
I am sure BB is going to fold everything but A10+, medium pairs+, kq,kjs

I know one person at the other table had close to a million but basically everyone else had about the same amount of chips.

Blinds 30,000/60,000 5000 ante

UTG HERO 435,000
UTG+1 225,000
Cutoff 500,000
Button 300,000
SB 275,000
BB 275,000

Hero A7o???

Anyways I decide to make it 150,000k (not sure what the right play is)
Utg+1 Folds
Cutoff shoves

By the way the cutoff shoved and by the way he acted when I asked for a chip count I am sure he had JJ, QQ, KK...not AA or AK.

I know if you put more then 1/3 of your stack in you are generally supposed to call it off...150k was just over 1/3 my stack.
I'd be left with 280,000...

Fold? Call?
A7o utg 6 handed 7bb Quote
11-14-2012 , 04:59 AM
This depends on whether you want to get in the money or whether you want to go for the win.

If i were in this situation I would push all in. You only have 7 BB.

When you raise to 150k you are instantly committed. You have to call now.

A7o utg 6 handed 7bb Quote
11-14-2012 , 08:41 AM
I guess if the table had not adjusted to the blinds, most of them want to cash so you have some more FE if you shove. Raise/fold is really terrible, but if you want to make this play, then raise to 120k instead of 150k
A7o utg 6 handed 7bb Quote
11-14-2012 , 11:58 AM
Jam or fold the first time. Would depend on table dynamics.
A7o utg 6 handed 7bb Quote
11-14-2012 , 12:29 PM
^^^ pretty much what he said.

I play tight, and I think it's also a jam or fold spot, leaning more on the fold side because of players still to act.

It's live and it's not like you can press register and enter another tourney, r/f is terrible, and would probably fold UTG.
A7o utg 6 handed 7bb Quote
11-16-2012 , 09:19 PM
Easy jam with antes.

As played, you can never fold.. it cannot be overstated how awful of a play it is to fold after this raise.
A7o utg 6 handed 7bb Quote
11-17-2012 , 02:40 AM
Easy jam w/o ICM considdies
A7o utg 6 handed 7bb Quote
11-17-2012 , 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by wangtangkiki
As played, you can never fold.. it cannot be overstated how awful of a play it is to fold after this raise.
We get 7 to 3 on a call, and have about 30% equity against the range OP has assigned villain. It's basically chipEV neutral to call assuming villain has been ranged correctly, so folding is not awful at all. In fact with ICM considerations, it's probably the right play.
A7o utg 6 handed 7bb Quote
11-17-2012 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by kamikaze baby
We get 7 to 3 on a call, and have about 30% equity against the range OP has assigned villain. It's basically chipEV neutral to call assuming villain has been ranged correctly, so folding is not awful at all. In fact with ICM considerations, it's probably the right play.
So I am just not knowledgeable enough to know what the right play is here.

I am 100% sure I am never better then 30%.

My plan with the 150k raise was to snap call anyone but the big stack.

I folded (felt super gross doing it).

And he showed QQ.

Ended up flipping 2 hands later.
A7o utg 6 handed 7bb Quote
