Hi, i'm completely new to sit n go and trying to get a grasp of how it should be played. Got the sit n go wizard trial and loaded up my hands, I found an error next to this hand. Sit n go wizard was pointing out that i should have called the shove.
Party, (400/800 blinds, 25 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 6 Players
Poker Tools Powered By
Holdem Manager - The Ultimate
Poker Software Suite. View Hand
MP: 3,220 (4 bb)
CO: 4,510 (5.6 bb)
Hero (BB): 3,980 (5 bb)
UTG: 2,440 (3.1 bb)
BTN: 2,050 (2.6 bb)
SB: 3,800 (4.8 bb)
Preflop: Hero is BB with 9


3 folds,
BTN raises to 2,025 and is all-in,
2 folds
Can someone point me to some good articles which explain in depth how to analyse hands in sit n go wizard please?