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8.80 1R1A - Line check with TT 8.80 1R1A - Line check with TT

10-15-2013 , 07:23 PM
Well, so that's a hand I played deep in the 8.80 1R1A. In my opinion the hand was pretty standard, but a friend of mine who was railing (also a mtt reg) berated me so much for my preflop play that I decided to look for opinions.

Villain was playing 0/0 for 19 straight hands, that was hand number 20 with him on the table (of course that 20 hands sample doesn't mean much, but since all of them happened this deep, with blinds so high, I guess we can assume he was playing pretty tight, not to say nitty).

So we decide to flat this IP even though he has a stack of 25 big blinds. Then on the flop I guess it's pretty standard of course and turn bet is meant to extract from 77-99 type of hands and AK, AJ, KJ of diamonds. Also, by betting the turn, when we get a check/call, almost always the river will go check/check so I would be the one setting the size (if we it went check/check on the turn, he could have value bet JJ bigger than the size I made, for example)

Thoughts (specially considering preflop play) please!
8.80 1R1A - Line check with TT Quote
10-16-2013 , 02:12 AM
everything is fine imo, wp
8.80 1R1A - Line check with TT Quote
10-16-2013 , 04:37 PM

My friend said that we should always be 3bet/calling this for 25 bbs even though the guy is a nit, lol.
8.80 1R1A - Line check with TT Quote
10-16-2013 , 06:03 PM
Obvs 3bet/call, and since you u didn't its check behind on turn.
8.80 1R1A - Line check with TT Quote
10-16-2013 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Raphael Reis
Obvs 3bet/call, and since you u didn't its check behind on turn.
LOOOOL he is the friend I mentioned ITT. Lame move there by commenting here trying to act like a random!
8.80 1R1A - Line check with TT Quote
10-16-2013 , 06:45 PM
Im not trying to act like a random, but its a obvs 3bet/call, and its a obvs check behind on turn. Any1 whos is a decente mtt reg knows this.
8.80 1R1A - Line check with TT Quote
10-16-2013 , 09:02 PM
Why didn't you just raise the flop to see where you are at, he's much to small stacked and oop to just possibly call and give 2 free cards. He will either reshove or fold flipping his hand face up.
8.80 1R1A - Line check with TT Quote
10-16-2013 , 11:12 PM
8.80 1R1A - Line check with TT Quote
10-17-2013 , 12:06 AM
i think itīs pretty mandatory to check behind the turn as played. especially with the sizings as they are post you could be inducing here so dont bet the turn.
pre i donīt know, i like the flat but i see arguments for 3b/c as well. 20 hands isnīt that big of a sample (wrong english maybe?? please tell me)
8.80 1R1A - Line check with TT Quote
10-17-2013 , 08:12 AM
First you have to understand you're readless,19 hands is nothing,assuming he's a nit over that samplesize is wrong and might induce bad replies.3b/c is my default and readless the most optimal i think, that said calling is not awfull.
8.80 1R1A - Line check with TT Quote
10-17-2013 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by kuroshi555
Why didn't you just raise the flop to see where you are at, he's much to small stacked and oop to just possibly call and give 2 free cards. He will either reshove or fold flipping his hand face up.
He will fold only worse hands — we don't want this

Originally Posted by Oxzy
i think itīs pretty mandatory to check behind the turn as played. especially with the sizings as they are post you could be inducing here so dont bet the turn.
Why? bet for value.. in addition, there are some cards on the river which we don't want to see (e.g. King, Ace)

OP: please use hand converter next time
8.80 1R1A - Line check with TT Quote
10-17-2013 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Oxzy
i think itīs pretty mandatory to check behind the turn as played. especially with the sizings as they are post you could be inducing here so dont bet the turn.
pre i donīt know, i like the flat but i see arguments for 3b/c as well. 20 hands isnīt that big of a sample (wrong english maybe?? please tell me)
Why mandatory to check the turn? We can easily extract from any lower pocket pair or even a turned flush draw he decided not to second barrel. Plus, he would most likely barrel again with an overpair or AQ. In addition to all that, by betting, when we get a check/call the river will probably go check/check. In my opinion this would be better than checking the turn and having to call on a river blank when he bets.

Originally Posted by FaraChef
First you have to understand you're readless,19 hands is nothing,assuming he's a nit over that samplesize is wrong and might induce bad replies.3b/c is my default and readless the most optimal i think, that said calling is not awfull.
Yea, of course. I even said that indeed that sample means close to nothing. But when the blinds are that high and the guy just folds every single hand for 2 entire orbits (without even attempting to steal), it could mean something. Also, it's not like he raised from late position here

@Onlyvictory: Thanks for the advice, will be doing that next time
8.80 1R1A - Line check with TT Quote
10-17-2013 , 03:34 PM
I have only recently started to play mtts but i would 3b pf. If i did flat somehow then i think i would just check turn. Thought process seems strange if you assume that he is a nit and thus not 3b TT and then you assume that he will c/c your turn bet w/ 77. if i thought he is a nit id just check turn and if he is not i am 3bing.

I might be wrong though.
8.80 1R1A - Line check with TT Quote
