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k guarantee TT in midpos vs utg raiser k guarantee TT in midpos vs utg raiser

03-31-2008 , 06:18 AM
Full Tilt Poker, NL Hold'em Tournament, 60/120 Blinds, 9 Players - Hand History Converter

UTG: 6,545
UTG+1: 3,150
UTG+2: 6,005
Hero (MP1): 2,345
MP2: 4,095
CO: 5,815
BTN: 4,960
SB: 4,365
BB: 4,915

Pre-Flop: (180) T T dealt to Hero (MP1)
UTG raises to 360, 2 folds

i had been carddead for a while and the blinds was catching up in me... had 1 one on utg wich he folded so no reads.

what is standard here?
k guarantee TT in midpos vs utg raiser Quote
03-31-2008 , 07:31 AM
I think with no reads I might fold here. Your stack is too small to call, besides there are not a lot of flops you'd like to see here and I don't like to push cause I think against a regular player you don't have a lot of FE and you're flipping at best. On the other hand folding seems really tight, but I guess it's the best option.

We could do a little math here, assuming you push and only the UTG raiser calls you. You'd invest 2'345 in a pot of 2'525 so you're getting a little over 1:1. So you'd have to win about 45-50% and you don't have this against any reasonable range (AJ or AQ+, 10+). Of course he could be a total jerk who doesnt care about position and opens utg with 88 or kj but you just don't know. That's why I think you have to fold there. Maybe its to tight??
k guarantee TT in midpos vs utg raiser Quote
03-31-2008 , 07:55 AM
Folding here is perfectly reasonable - unfortunately.

Flat-calling is pure spew (hoping for a decent flop is a little too optimistic, you aren´t deep enough for set-value and you risk a reraise/squeeze play behind you), shoving is bad as well (as mago perfectly explained) and iso-raising commits you to the pot anyway (which practically is similar to shoving).

- Tackleberry -
k guarantee TT in midpos vs utg raiser Quote
03-31-2008 , 07:59 AM
u guys are given UTG too much credit.
k guarantee TT in midpos vs utg raiser Quote
03-31-2008 , 08:03 AM
Hi shut, glad to see you´re still active

What default range are you giving UTG readless?
k guarantee TT in midpos vs utg raiser Quote
03-31-2008 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by Tackleberry
Hi shut, glad to see you´re still active

What default range are you giving UTG readless?
I'm here practically every day. where have you been dood?

Assuming this is a $5-$10 MTT my range widens a bit against random donks so I prob assign something like 55+, A8+, K9+, QT+, JT, and some mid SC and other random sooted hands. if villian is a winning TAG I obv tighten range and could find a fold. but I think the play is sooo bad in these that a) assigning a tight UTG range and b) folding a top 5% hand....are both major mistakes.
k guarantee TT in midpos vs utg raiser Quote
03-31-2008 , 03:59 PM
In a lower limit tourney the raiser could very very easily have aj aq ak and call this shove, thus making me reshove. In a higher buy in tourney I would puke if I had to fold this, but it's probably the right play. You can't call, but when you reship you probably will only get called if you are beat. This is a very interesting spot, and I am interested in hearing the responses to this one.

BTW, I think this is right on the border. If I had jacks I'm reshoving. Also If I had AK (making it more unlikely villian has aces or kings) I'm def reshoving.
k guarantee TT in midpos vs utg raiser Quote
03-31-2008 , 04:25 PM
reshippppppppppppppp all day, twice on whatever day this mtt was played.
k guarantee TT in midpos vs utg raiser Quote
03-31-2008 , 06:52 PM
readless, i think shoving 99+/AQ+ is pretty standard here. five are left to act, but it's a huuuuge call for them. i think we have fe against AQ/AJ/KQ/QJs which are all in utg's range imo. 55+, maybe 77+ at worst, is in utg's range and with the worse pairs, chances are this is the only street where we have any shot at getting any chips out of utg so we might as well max it now. if he's folding those pairs to our shove pf, we're not getting much out of his postflop anyway.

also, 540 in the middle and 2300+ behind us makes shoving reasonable and not overkill.
k guarantee TT in midpos vs utg raiser Quote
