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08-18-2015 , 11:08 PM
[converted_hand][hand_history]Poker Stars, $6.45 Buy-in (80/160 blinds, 20 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 6 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #37074825

BB: 2,285 (14.3 bb)
UTG: 3,183 (19.9 bb)
MP: 1,836 (11.5 bb)
CO: 1,586 (9.9 bb)
BTN: 1,246 (7.8 bb)
Hero (SB): 3,364 (21 bb)

Preflop: Hero is SB with J Q
4 folds, Hero raises to 320, BB calls 160

Flop: (760) T Q 6 (2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets 320, Hero calls 320

Turn: (1,400) T (2 players)
Hero checks, BB checks

River: (1,400) A (2 players)
Hero checks, BB bets 1,625 and is all-in,

I have to call here dont I? villian is one of the better regs at these limits, I think he is flatting his bad aces against me in this spot most of the time but I'm pretty sure I have to call seeing as how capped I am.
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08-19-2015 , 10:10 PM
Your decision pre flop I think depends a lot on what kind of blind versus blind dynamics you have with villian. Raising here I think is a good aggressive play especially if BB is a tight player. My default is 2.5x BB here but nothing wrong with min raising IMO.

Not sure why you did not bet the flop? The flop hit you well and since villian did not 3 bet pre you should be ahead here the vast majority of the time. Out of position I would bet here and then get the rest in on turn. As played meh kind of tough decision but BB likely believes you are weak here and your hand is under repped. Again depends on reads but villian very likely has a lot of bluffs in his range here. I tend to be suspicious of villians bet sizing and lean towards a sigh call but would not blame you for folding either.
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08-20-2015 , 11:10 AM
+1 with vikingfan , i think in this buy in the people dont defend the blind enough so the open raise is standar. This hand definitely it is in my bet for value range your winning vs worst Jx,A high going to call , Tx , somes J9,98,J8,KJ ,ect Idk if really in river we can call normally i expect him jams Tx,Ax and yeah some bluff like the gutshots or straight draws , you dont have postflop stats? WWSF,W$SD,AGF,river bet,Bet vs missed , something is better to make a better decision
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08-20-2015 , 09:37 PM
Seems like Tx or nothing
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08-23-2015 , 04:09 AM
Are you raise/calling or raise/folding pre? You guys are 14bb effective jamming seems like the best option to me...
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08-23-2015 , 04:13 AM
I'd call here.
Think he has random gutters/J9 more often than big hands.
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08-23-2015 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by HateMyLife
Are you raise/calling or raise/folding pre? You guys are 14bb effective jamming seems like the best option to me...
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08-23-2015 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by acbarone
Seems like Tx or nothing
so he never has an ace here because of the lack of action pre, doesn't it seem like more of a call if that is the case, less combos of 10x , and if were folding qx here , what the heck are we calling when he takes this line. Maybe I'm wrong for wanting a call here , seems really close.
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08-23-2015 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by acbarone
I like shoving cause it compensates for our positional disadvantage more than a minraise.

playing medium offsuit broad OOP against a competent player who probably gonna defend at least 50% vs a minraise is kind of akward in my experience.. I'd rather minraise some mid/high suited connectors cause the play a lot better postflop and we can still raise/call like JTs+

QJo this deep seems bit too optimistic to raise/induce but at the same time r/f vs reg is way too weak as well

maybe I'm jamming to much at this stacksize bvb against regs but seems like the easiest way to play a large part of my range profitably, especially when playing 15 tables+.

Would like to hear your thoughts too

Last edited by HateMyLife; 08-23-2015 at 01:55 PM.
 - two pair river spot Quote
08-23-2015 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by HateMyLife
I like shoving cause it compensates for our positional disadvantage more than a minraise.
I like this response.

And while I agree that there's certainly a positional disadvantage, but it can be somewhat negated by our opponent's lack of skill. Even vs a skilled individual I might prefer raising here if I had a solid grasp of his post flop tendencies.

Originally Posted by HateMyLife
playing medium offsuit broad OOP against a competent player who probably gonna defend at least 50% vs a minraise is kind of akward in my experience.. I'd rather minraise some mid/high suited connectors cause the play a lot better postflop and we can still raise/call like JTs+
Does 89ss play much better than QJo? When I think of 'playable' hands that flop well, I'd put both of those in my range. Personally I find suited broadways are probably my favorite hands to have postflop, but unsuited ones aren't far behind.

Can't imagine r/c'ing JTss here tho, BB has to have an incredibly wide shove range and if there was bubble pressure we might not even be able to call vs ATC.

Originally Posted by HateMyLife
QJo this deep seems bit too optimistic to raise/induce but at the same time r/f vs reg is way too weak as well
All depends on his defending range and how he splits up calling vs shoving, but you're right in that I'm almost never calling his jam. Could I be exploited? Of course, but once I see that happening I'll change up my strat vs that particular opponent.

Originally Posted by HateMyLife
maybe I'm jamming to much at this stacksize bvb against regs but seems like the easiest way to play a large part of my range profitably, especially when playing 15 tables+.
It's definitely the easiest way, I'm not sure it's the most profitable. Vs top regs I'm fine with taking a +EV spot OOP with a 14 BB stack size, but vs most players I think you can make more by not shoving.
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08-24-2015 , 03:30 AM
All perfectly reasonable points, not too much to add from my side..

Guess r/c hands like JTs QJo with this stack is indeed a mistake vs most opponents - given I usually openjam them anyways knowing it's very +EV jam regardless of how wide villain calls it hasen't really come to my mind to ever fold a top 20% hand bvb for ~14bb no matter what the action pre.

see you at tables, GL!
 - two pair river spot Quote
08-24-2015 , 11:30 PM
If you plug this hand into an ICM calculator the NASH range for shoving here is a bit over 80% with BB calling a bit over 20% of the time.

I think if you are splitting your range too wide here you're going to have to tighten up your overall SB VPIPing range considerably in this spot. That's not saying an alternate strategy to only shove/fold or a mixed isn't the best route. In practice I think splitting your range also has the benefit to (near)busting out a lower percentage of the time. That's difficult to quantify though. Main thing to think about here is not what is the most profitable play with QJo in this spot but what your overall best strategy is with your range is in these type of spots. This is definitely a fairly high ICM pressure spot on whichever player is facing a shove so I think splitting your range too wide here is probably not a great idea.

As for postflop, kind of strange cause you'd think most 10x would value bet the turn. It's very unlikely HERO has air after check calling this flop from OOP. Most 10x would probably want to bet for value and some protection on the turn rather than check back and bomb river. I think villain is more likely to have some slow played AA or maybe a hand like KJ on the river than he is to have a bare 10x hand. I don't think players are taking this line as a bluff very often though so I'd chuck your hand. You may think you are close to the top of your range but after the check call on the flop and this board run out it's also pretty obvious you have something reasonable.
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08-24-2015 , 11:39 PM
bet flop/bet turn
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08-25-2015 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by Ace Acumen
bet flop/bet turn
+1 protect your range
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08-26-2015 , 04:29 AM
I don't particularly like your flop x, bvb people tend to peel light, it would not be a good spot to bluff air, so it will be a good spot to value bet tp.
Why are you capped exactly?

As played, I fold. Mostly I fold because the river is an ace.
Not that I think it hits him, on the contrary, it should be obvious to both of you, the ace hits your range better than his. But he just jams you in anyway?? Seems likely strong, hoping you hit the A and can't fold. Could be a T or KJ. Don't agree that there are a lot of random gutters in his range, maybe if river bricks and he jams, but the A isn't fooling anyone. No decent reg is going to JAM a4o on this board and expect to get called by worse.
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08-28-2015 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by acbarone
Seems like Tx or nothing
+1. Dont think he would shove with nothing. Someone asked if you fold here, what do you call with? You dont call when you are beaten.

Further, shoving doesnt have any fold equity as you are calling of course, so you need best hand.

Sent from my SM-G900I using 2+2 Forums
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09-02-2015 , 12:39 AM
We've underrepped our hand so much that I think he's more likely to jam air here and small value bet straights/Tx. I prob never play the hand this way, but as played I can see myself calling the river.
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