whats up everybody,
I have recently started playing some DON's and I'd like some feedback.
I will paste quite a few hands, and if possible - just skim through and evaluate if my play in general is OK or not.( or even maybe outline a few of my more frequent mistakes)
P.S. I will write any comments above the hand if had an impact on my decision
Thanks a lot.
HAND 1: SB steals 55% (600h)
IPoker, $4.55 Buy-in (50/100 blinds) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 5 Players
Poker Tools Powered By
Holdem Manager - The Ultimate
Poker Software Suite. View Hand
Hero (BB): 1,580 (15.8 bb)
MP: 2,280 (22.8 bb)
CO: 1,600 (16 bb)
BTN: 2,000 (20 bb)
SB: 1,540 (15.4 bb)
Preflop: Hero is BB with A


3 folds,
SB raises to 200,
Hero raises to 1,580 and is all-in
HAND 2,3: no stack to wait for better hand, or is it ?
IPoker, $4.55 Buy-in (75/150 blinds) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 6 Players
Poker Tools Powered By
Holdem Manager - The Ultimate
Poker Software Suite. View Hand
UTG: 1,863 (12.4 bb)
MP: 1,918 (12.8 bb)
CO: 1,260 (8.4 bb)
Hero (BTN): 775 (5.2 bb)
SB: 1,740 (11.6 bb)
BB: 1,444 (9.6 bb)
Preflop: Hero is BTN with 2

UTG raises to 300, 2 folds,
Hero raises to 775 and is all-in, [color="red"]
IPoker, $4.55 Buy-in (200/400 blinds, 50 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 4 Players
Poker Tools Powered By
Holdem Manager - The Ultimate
Poker Software Suite. View Hand
SB: 2,895 (7.2 bb)
BB: 2,580 (6.5 bb)
CO: 2,610 (6.5 bb)
Hero (BTN): 915 (2.3 bb)
Preflop: Hero is BTN with Q

CO raises to 800,
Hero raises to 865 and is all-in,
HAND 4: Another resteal attempt. OP 4/11 steals from SB.
IPoker, $4.55 Buy-in (50/100 blinds) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 6 Players
Poker Tools Powered By
Holdem Manager - The Ultimate
Poker Software Suite. View Hand
Hero (BB): 1,370 (13.7 bb)
UTG: 1,140 (11.4 bb)
MP: 630 (6.3 bb)
CO: 2,040 (20.4 bb)
BTN: 1,730 (17.3 bb)
SB: 2,090 (20.9 bb)
Preflop: Hero is BB with A


4 folds,
SB raises to 200,
Hero raises to 1,370 and is all-in
HAND 5: regs battle on the bubble: Almost every hand is shoving on the blinds so I expect very wide ranges. However, given stacks, I am 75% to win and I am not getting such ev ever. Villain shoves here like 50-60% and I feel this is my best chance than get blinded out waiting for better hand/spot. ( 1 orbit will cost me half of my stack)
IPoker, $4.55 Buy-in (200/400 blinds, 50 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 4 Players
Poker Tools Powered By
Holdem Manager - The Ultimate
Poker Software Suite. View Hand
CO: 2,020 (5.1 bb)
BTN: 1,890 (4.7 bb)
SB: 2,815 (7 bb)
Hero (BB): 2,275 (5.7 bb)
Preflop: Hero is BB with Q


2 folds,
SB raises to 2,765 and is all-in, Hero calls 1,825 and is all-in
HAND 6: with 3.5bb stack I feel I am less likely to survive than flipping now for solid 11.5bb
IPoker, $4.55 Buy-in (100/200 blinds, 25 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 5 Players
Poker Tools Powered By
Holdem Manager - The Ultimate
Poker Software Suite. View Hand
CO: 1,915 (9.6 bb)
BTN: 1,565 (7.8 bb)
SB: 2,435 (12.2 bb)
Hero (BB): 1,095 (5.5 bb)
MP: 1,990 (10 bb)
Preflop: Hero is BB with 2


3 folds,
SB raises to 2,410 and is all-in, Hero calls 870 and is all-in
HAND 7: BTN is aggro donk pushing every second hand. Folding leaves me 3.5bb and I am most likely getting shoved on next hand too.
IPoker, $4.55 Buy-in (150/300 blinds, 25 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 4 Players
Poker Tools Powered By
Holdem Manager - The Ultimate
Poker Software Suite. View Hand
Hero (BB): 1,345 (4.5 bb)
CO: 2,730 (9.1 bb)
BTN: 3,020 (10.1 bb)
SB: 1,905 (6.4 bb)
Preflop: Hero is BB with A

CO folds,
BTN raises to 2,995 and is all-in,
SB folds, Hero calls 1,020 and is all-in
Summary: After a hh review I feel like a good chunk of games where I lose is in BvB collision. I do 80% of the time get it in being ahead either by restealing or calling super wide ranges. ICM would probably force me to fold, but ending with 3-4bb shortstack will leave me no fold equity while regs will cooperate-call down just to bust the bubble.
The variance has been absolutely disgusting. And its not only losing 5 tourneys in a row being 70% favorite in every hand, its also a 0.5bb short stacks doubling up 4 hands in a row sucking out every time. I am bleeding money and don't know if its my mistakes or just the variance since DON tournaments are so much different from everything and I don't see the late game edge because everyone is pushing on blinds very wide ranges and at the end it all comes down to someone waking up with more premium hand to call a shove.
Please share your opinions on this