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 - A5 in CO, raise? shove?  - A5 in CO, raise? shove?

07-09-2009 , 02:24 AM
Poker Stars $55+$5 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t100/t200 Blinds + t25 - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

BB: t2725 M = 6.41
UTG: t3295 M = 7.75
Hero (CO): t4060 M = 9.55
BTN: t1970 M = 4.64
SB: t1450 M = 3.41

Pre Flop: (t425) Hero is CO with A 6
1 fold, Hero raises to t455, 1 fold, SB raises to t1425 all in, 1 fold, Hero calls t970

BTN is a breakevenish reg, but won't do anything silly here. SB is a random w/looseish stats, BB is gidders (top 60's reg).
A push is kinda ok, but only like +.2% or so i'd say. Anyway raise folding into 2 regs call shorty, do u like it? And if so what range are u raising/just shoving here?
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 03:19 AM
Just shove...
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 03:20 AM
Maybe A6o is a marginal push at the 60's, but at my stakes I still fold it almost everytime. I don't like the raise either, even with a shorty.

You have a chip lead, and will probably be in position of taking a lot of +EV spots later, maybe pwning the bubble. No need to gamble with a large amount of chips now IMO

Maybe I have become a huge nit b/c of the edge I think I have in my games though, and you should not pass on marginal spots like these in a game full of very regs, I dunno.
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 10:20 AM
I kinda like your raise but once he reshove you never have the proper odds to call imo if he is not a complete ******. You're really praying it's 55 or KQ.

Also I would not shove.
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 10:59 AM
shove looks a little light imo. you might be losing value if you don't raise, but with 2 good regs behind you and stacks to make you fold, i don't mind passing pf.
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 11:36 AM
i fold pre and it's not even close if no antes.

not used to stars ante structure
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 01:02 PM
I'm a nit and let this go pf. You're in such a good spot as CL and blinds are only 100/200 without antes.
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 01:36 PM
there are antes doh...
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 01:39 PM
The raise looks ok to me but I fold to his reshove.
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by gobao
there are antes doh...
oops, wrongly assumed in light of previous post.
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by NJD77
The raise looks ok to me but I fold to his reshove.
Do u mean that u raise ATC here?

Originally Posted by kevstreet
oops, wrongly assumed in light of previous post.
Happens was on tilt so flame away
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by NJD77
The raise looks ok to me but I fold to his reshove.
This is the problem though. If we raise, sb shoves, we are getting 2.3ish - 1 which = call. So if we are not willing to call this raise, I don't think we should raise in the first place. OR just min raise to avoid being priced in although 455 is awfully close.
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by Glitlr
This is the problem though. If we raise, sb shoves, we are getting 2.3ish - 1 which = call. So if we are not willing to call this raise, I don't think we should raise in the first place. OR just min raise to avoid being priced in although 455 is awfully close.
What if we dont have $odds (ICM here I am) to call vs his range ?
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 03:11 PM
i guess this is why some high stakes regs that play on ftp and started on stars push too wide
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 03:38 PM
imo they fold so much of the time that we can make the raise here, but the call of his reshove even with the odds is spewing a large chunk of your equity. ICM plays a big factor.

I don't think it's a move that works too well at the lower buy ins, but at the 60s it looks fine to me.
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by gobao
Do u mean that u raise ATC here?
Lol, how did you go from A6 to ATCs? It's quite a big difference. People do sometimes flat and we can c/bet small on the flop, and the card removal factor means they're less likely to have a big hand to call with anyway which increases our FE.

so in response to your question, no I don't raise ATCs here, but I'm happy with raising A6.

It's good to have a raise-fold range in this spot imo, keeps villains guessing and makes them play back at you wider when you have hands like TT/Aq
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 03:47 PM
I'm not that crazy about raising A6o here with all the things described here. Isn't raising J9s a lot better then? It's just that we hate to call a push with A6o, while we shouldn't mind it with J9s.

I prefer folding here, but I might be alone.
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Bedz
I prefer folding here, but I might be alone.
Nah, at least two posts prior to yours suggested folding pre.
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
07-09-2009 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by NJD77
Lol, how did you go from A6 to ATCs? It's quite a big difference.

If u r/f there is no difference, atleast not big

People do sometimes flat and we can c/bet small on the flop

Mmm,lol what the pot will be after we raise?like the stack of our villain? wtf is c-bet small? BTW do u c-bet/call?

and the card removal factor means they're less likely to have a big hand to call with anyway which increases our FE.
Agreed with CR,though it doesn't persuade me enough

so in response to your question, no I don't raise ATCs here, but I'm happy with raising A6.

It's good to have a raise-fold range in this spot imo, keeps villains guessing and makes them play back at you wider when you have hands like TT/Aq

U just don't be able to use this image with your stack and blinds this high imho.
Now I didn't put this in Wiz,but I expect it to be profitable to shove pre with tight BB.

If u think it is not ( i will check it tomorrow or some good guy can post the screenshot of wiz) just fold,cause raise/folding A6 or raise/calling A6 is ****ing spew. A9 yes why not,though AT would be preferable.
So imho if u wanna play this hand shove it,if not just fold imho.

Thats just my humble 0.02$ I might be dead wrong
 - A5 in CO, raise? shove? Quote
