Originally Posted by NJD77
Lol, how did you go from A6 to ATCs? It's quite a big difference.
If u r/f there is no difference, atleast not big
People do sometimes flat and we can c/bet small on the flop
Mmm,lol what the pot will be after we raise?like the stack of our villain? wtf is c-bet small? BTW do u c-bet/call?
and the card removal factor means they're less likely to have a big hand to call with anyway which increases our FE.
Agreed with CR,though it doesn't persuade me enough
so in response to your question, no I don't raise ATCs here, but I'm happy with raising A6.
It's good to have a raise-fold range in this spot imo, keeps villains guessing and makes them play back at you wider when you have hands like TT/Aq
U just don't be able to use this image with your stack and blinds this high imho.
Now I didn't put this in Wiz,but I expect it to be profitable to shove pre with tight BB.
If u think it is not ( i will check it tomorrow or some good guy can post the screenshot of wiz) just fold,cause raise/folding A6 or raise/calling A6 is ****ing spew. A9 yes why not,though AT would be preferable.
So imho if u wanna play this hand shove it,if not just fold imho.
Thats just my humble 0.02$ I might be dead wrong