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.50 - Pushing 87s UTG in high blinds .50 - Pushing 87s UTG in high blinds

10-19-2009 , 09:27 PM
CO and BTN are winning regs. Blinds are both very bad, and SB seems very tight at these high blinds.

On SNG wiz the best i can make this is -1%, and thats with reasonably tight ranges.

Is this a spot where you take a gamble with a hand that does ok against calling ranges, to try to preserve fold equity and stay in the game?

Poker Stars $6.00+$0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds + t50 - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

SB: t2644 M = 2.30
BB: t1675 M = 1.46
Hero (UTG): t2219 M = 1.93
CO: t5172 M = 4.50
BTN: t1790 M = 1.56

Pre Flop: (t1150) Hero is UTG with 7 8
Hero raises to t1800, 4 folds
.50 - Pushing 87s UTG in high blinds Quote
10-19-2009 , 09:39 PM
My first thought was no way cos bb's getting 3/1. But most randoms are still tight even with the odds. It's a fold if he's worse than 30%, putting others on reasonable ranges. Surprised how close this was though I'd have thought wiz would have this as an easy fold.
.50 - Pushing 87s UTG in high blinds Quote
10-20-2009 , 12:00 AM
i don't mind this at all, play for the win. You have some fold equity and if called most likely 2 live cards
.50 - Pushing 87s UTG in high blinds Quote
10-20-2009 , 12:05 AM
This is one of those really close spots but tbh I think its an ok shove. It's really better than shoving a bad A or what not cause we will often be 60/40 rather than 70/30 against broadway ranges...and we are not bubble yet so i think it makes it more of a shove.
.50 - Pushing 87s UTG in high blinds Quote
10-20-2009 , 12:20 AM
I'm pushing down to 67s here.
.50 - Pushing 87s UTG in high blinds Quote
10-20-2009 , 12:28 AM
the 1800 as opposed to shoving is supposed to rep a stronger hand? kinda like it.
.50 - Pushing 87s UTG in high blinds Quote
10-20-2009 , 12:35 AM
I think its a pretty easy shove given stacksetups. We almost totally lose FE if we fold here and we have to call two of the shortstacks shoves w/ ATC in the blind next hand which sucks for us.
.50 - Pushing 87s UTG in high blinds Quote
10-20-2009 , 12:54 AM
Thanks guys.

The 1800 is just something i've been experimenting with lately. I've been told by good players to do this sort of thing more, and watching the high stakes games the winning regs seem to do this often.

I'm not sure if i like it or not. Surely if i had AA here im just going to shove all in, trying to look as desperate as possible.

Anyone else got thoughts on this?
.50 - Pushing 87s UTG in high blinds Quote
10-20-2009 , 10:02 AM
make sure you just do that bet with all hands not just the bad one because winning regs will notice you opening shove with aa and bet 1800 with 78
.50 - Pushing 87s UTG in high blinds Quote
10-20-2009 , 11:00 AM
I think this is one of those spots where you can push to maintain FE, but its gonna be super thin either way
.50 - Pushing 87s UTG in high blinds Quote
10-20-2009 , 04:37 PM
this doesn't seem that good or bad. prob wouldn't think to shove it in game with a bunch of tables running.
.50 - Pushing 87s UTG in high blinds Quote
10-20-2009 , 07:21 PM
In regard to the 1800 bet...

Obviosly if youre going to make a habit of this, you need to do it with good and bad hands. But in these games, where you dont play the same people that often, what are winning regs going to think of this?

Readless, does this bet look stong or weak?

I'm struggling to see the advantages of this type of bet. Anyone got any ideas?
.50 - Pushing 87s UTG in high blinds Quote
10-20-2009 , 07:38 PM
One of the advantages is that because of the amount of tables that some are playing they might only see that you raised and may not have time to see that your raise is for nearly all your stack.
.50 - Pushing 87s UTG in high blinds Quote
10-20-2009 , 08:26 PM
Yes, thats very true. I guess that this would be more to your advantage if you were very low early on in the game. A 600 raise off a 650 stack could easily be mistaken for a standard raise. At high blinds youd think people would take the time to look...
.50 - Pushing 87s UTG in high blinds Quote
