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.50 ITM, I Stopped and Went .50 ITM, I Stopped and Went

12-08-2008 , 07:48 AM
What about the times the flop comes AKQ etc? You've called off half your stack in a very sticky situation. Getting your chips in in a spot like this is not good poker no matter how you look at it. you could be ahead of some (but not much) of his range and still have to check fold. Despite getting 3:1 on your money
.50 ITM, I Stopped and Went Quote
12-08-2008 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Nicktheone
Some guys pointed out something interesting : finally, if we are ahead of his range, why looking for FE? I mean, would we do a stop&go with QQ ?
Prerecquisites of a stop&go play is that 1) There is no FE 2) We are not ahead of villains range
I dont think a 55/45 edge is something to be extatic about in this situation. Remember that cEV < $EV.
.50 ITM, I Stopped and Went Quote
12-08-2008 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by joepeger
. I'd be folding most of the hands I named above. 22 33 44 Arag Krag especially if hero's a solid player.

This is burning money dont do that, especially if your opponent is any good
.50 ITM, I Stopped and Went Quote
12-08-2008 , 05:48 PM
What's with all the discussion, seriously. We're obviously not folding and if we gain a tiny bit of FE on the flop, cool. There is absolutely no way pushing is better.
.50 ITM, I Stopped and Went Quote
12-09-2008 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by Soulman
What's with all the discussion, seriously. We're obviously not folding and if we gain a tiny bit of FE on the flop, cool. There is absolutely no way pushing is better.
I see both sides of the debate. If hero's hand is strong enough, it's true you want all the chips in preflop. If it's weak enough, you want a stop n go. The real question is how strong a hand does it have to be to want it all in PF? Like someone mentioned, you wouldn't stopngo with QQ, right? So would you with 99? 88? For Soulman and others that say pushing should not be considered, how strong would your hand have to be to rethink this line?
.50 ITM, I Stopped and Went Quote
12-09-2008 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by doodydota
It's going to be very rare we have him crushed hard enough with 55 on the flop for him to make a good fold and for us to miss out on value. More often he is going to make a bad fold with significant euqity in the pot. So we gain.

Originally Posted by joepeger
What about the times the flop comes AKQ etc? You've called off half your stack in a very sticky situation. Getting your chips in in a spot like this is not good poker no matter how you look at it. you could be ahead of some (but not much) of his range and still have to check fold. Despite getting 3:1 on your money
? We're pushing ANY flop, obv.
.50 ITM, I Stopped and Went Quote
12-09-2008 , 07:26 PM
Looks standard.....nice hand....
.50 ITM, I Stopped and Went Quote
