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.50 6max Turbo mistake shoving 10's on bubble? .50 6max Turbo mistake shoving 10's on bubble?

04-06-2010 , 01:25 PM
Did I make a mistake here? On the bubble with 10 10, have second place player covered by margin and a shortie. Was I being too aggressive shoving over his open here, or is he making a mistake calling?

Blinds at 200/400. He called with AJs btw.

No Limit Holdem Tournament
3 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by

BTN (3,340)
SB (1,450)
Hero (4,210)

Blinds: 200/400

Pre-Flop: (600, 3 players) Hero is BB 10 10
BTN raises to 1,000, SB folds, Hero goes all-in 4,210 ...
.50 6max Turbo mistake shoving 10's on bubble? Quote
04-06-2010 , 02:00 PM
depends obv

e. not enough info
.50 6max Turbo mistake shoving 10's on bubble? Quote
04-06-2010 , 02:07 PM
well, what other info do you need? In terms of reads, I had been shoving a good number of hands leading up to that point and he was folding. My point was, from an equity perspective I considered that he would only be calling with very tight range, maybe QQ+ in this spot as the short stack has only just over 3BB left, and he would still have 2340 left if he folded, hence my question was it an equity mistake to shove or for him to call?

I seem to have more issues in the 6max bubble play than the 9 mans as a rule. As a bigger stack I am getting called a lot lighter in 6max by stacks that are similar size to mine when it would seem that folding is the optimal play. I am not raising ultra light in these spots as a rule, but now in spots where I should be abusing the bubble I am being more cautious due to equal/2nd place stacks making a mistake and calling too often. Rather than a mistake by another player being a good thing, it only serves to hurt both players and help the shorter stack.

Didn't explain that well, tired. Sorry

Last edited by sevenofone; 04-06-2010 at 02:17 PM. Reason: another reason I ask..
.50 6max Turbo mistake shoving 10's on bubble? Quote
04-06-2010 , 02:09 PM
totally fine.
.50 6max Turbo mistake shoving 10's on bubble? Quote
04-06-2010 , 02:26 PM
just b/c he should fold doesn't mean he will.

If he has been letting you raise at will without a fight I might give him this one.
.50 6max Turbo mistake shoving 10's on bubble? Quote
04-06-2010 , 02:30 PM
Yes I was thinking I should have, I just thought he would lay something like AJs down, but may have to rethink bubble strategy somewhat as way too many callers in these spots, hence my rambling edit above lol
.50 6max Turbo mistake shoving 10's on bubble? Quote
04-06-2010 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by NJD77
totally fine.
.50 6max Turbo mistake shoving 10's on bubble? Quote
04-06-2010 , 05:04 PM
.50 6max Turbo mistake shoving 10's on bubble? Quote
