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01-17-2008 , 10:21 PM
What's my best play here?

Poker Stars $6.00 $0.50 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds - 4 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Hero (SB): t2780
BB: t4973
CO: t4877
BTN: t870

Pre Flop: Hero is SB with A 6
1 fold, BTN raises to t820 all in, Hero folds, BB calls t220
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01-17-2008 , 10:28 PM
I think folding was correct. If you call, what do you do when BB pushes?

Edited to add I'm not sure what to think of raising. I'd like to hear better players opinions on raising. It just seems like this winds up going wrong for me most of the time when I push here.
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01-17-2008 , 10:37 PM
if BB isn't crazy loose or anything, i think a shove would be fine
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01-17-2008 , 10:38 PM
call, seems fairly ez, also id shove if yours and bb's stacks were reversed.
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01-17-2008 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by sippin_criss
call, seems fairly ez, also id shove if yours and bb's stacks were reversed.
Why call here? The call is about 1/5 of our stack and we know the BB will call the raise.
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01-17-2008 , 10:52 PM
so hopefully he will ck it down with us
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01-17-2008 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by J-P
so hopefully he will ck it down with us
If I'm bb and wickss flats here, I'm pushing anything halfway decent. Not ATC, but certainly wide enough to make wickss limping here -ev. And wickss money in there makes it even more tempting.

Sippin, if the stacks were reversed, this would be such an easy push I don't think it would be a thread here.
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01-18-2008 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by wiggs73
if BB isn't crazy loose or anything, i think a shove would be fine
Why do you say this? If BB was crazy I would shove, but stacks set up nice to just call/eliminate here.
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01-18-2008 , 02:09 AM
a call is fine imo, BB wont shove that wide, and if he does he hopefully has the other guy beat, call and check down sounds fine.
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01-18-2008 , 03:04 AM
Go ahead and shove, since you are out of position. You can't count on the BB to check it down with you, which is about as favorable as shoving and taking the dead money. Keep in mind that in order to bubble out, not only must you lose to both players, but shorty must win the hand.
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01-18-2008 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by Tantalus747
If I'm bb and wickss flats here, I'm pushing anything halfway decent. Not ATC, but certainly wide enough to make wickss limping here -ev. And wickss money in there makes it even more tempting.

Sippin, if the stacks were reversed, this would be such an easy push I don't think it would be a thread here.
ur not the bb, and if you know the bb is shoving wide then flat the btn and call bb's push.
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01-18-2008 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by sippin_criss
ur not the bb, and if you know the bb is shoving wide then flat the btn and call bb's push.

A good, plan; I'd want some decent read on the bb though, better than I could get reading this thread.

"ur not the bb"

Now you've got me wondering if one of my leaks is assuming other good ROI players play more like myself than they really do. But how much variation can there be to optimal play? Something I need to think about.
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01-18-2008 , 04:30 AM
well in general good winning sng players play a pretty similar style, i guess what i was getting at is assuming that a random knows what he should be doing is a bad thing. even just hud stats would help a lot in spots like this.
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01-18-2008 , 04:31 AM
And yes I realize that this is a 6.5 and the bb is probably not a decent ROI player. Lacking information in strategy games in general, I have trained myself to assume the worst.

Edit to add: This is an assumption I would not be making if I had even a little information like hud stats or SS stats. And I keep forgetting how bad the 6.5s are. Maybe we're bumping up against the limits of how precise advice it's possible to give with the just the info given.

Last edited by Tantalus747; 01-18-2008 at 04:37 AM.
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01-18-2008 , 05:39 AM
Totally depends on read of BB. I'm guessing most will just check it down, which makes call better. I don't think calling even if BB shoves over you is terrible. Knocking out shorty is by far your biggest goal.
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01-18-2008 , 06:09 AM
I probably would have called and hoped the BB just called and checked it down with us. His range is considerably larger, considering his position and chip stack at this point. He is shoving there with almost anything. Especially since the first guy folded, he only has to go up against 2 guys, not all 3 of you. So his range increases that much more since the first guy got out of the way. If you do call and the BB re-raises, then it's an easy fold. He has to have a real hand to re-raise there. Sure it's 1/5 of your stack but you are in the late stages of a SnG, the Ms increase rapidly so any additional chips you can get your hands on is crucial.
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