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*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** *** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) ***

06-19-2014 , 05:27 PM
Ok, i thought about a while what to do for my 5k post, as 2p2 helped me alot to become the player and person i am tday, and it feels kinda special, so why not do sth special?

I´ve never been rly good at the strategy/math side of the game, therefore didnt contribute much (i think) and a strategy article of some sort is out of question, basically im only good at playing a ton of tables passably and drinking beer which works out alright for me, so why not do just that (the "ton of tables", not the beer part) and include a bit of charity?

So next monday, 23rd june 14, ~1pm cet Im gunna try to play (atleast my) longest session ever wrt hours plugged in and number of scheduled mtts played, my current record is like ~18hs and ~300 mtts, this time im aiming for 24hs+ and 500mtts+ (ideally pull through til the supertuesday)

To get some ppl rooting for me im gunna donate 10% of that sessions profits + some boni to some charity (havent made up my mind yet which one to support)

-if i reach 24hs i will donate 100$ + 5$ per extra hour
-if i reach 400 mtts i will donate 50$ + 50c/mtt

so even if i dont actually profit i have a reason to grind on...
(will use sharkscope, global alias "moertelmuhh" to determine results)

if some degens want to bet against me under certain stipulations (must profit pre RB + certain abi (>20) comes to my mind) i am willing to hear offers, but wanna keep it friendly for the most part and wont risk more than ~1.5k or so, if i get a reasonable amount of interest i might stream it on, keep in mind that i only win in 34% of my sessions (sharkscope), so def need odds aswell...

if someone wants to match my donations or join the grind, feel free to do so

I will grind w a friend who will contribute some aswell.

<3 ya all

my first 2p2 thread ever, for the giggles
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-19-2014 , 05:29 PM
Frist! Nice glgl
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-19-2014 , 05:34 PM
So op you are going to be grinding on Poker Stars correct? You should do a live justin t.v type thing that would be cool possibly. If you are drinking a bunch of beers and playing for 24 hours how are you going to be able to focus and last for 24hours? I haven't really seen anyone do a charity type of grinding marathon so it could be a good thing.
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-19-2014 , 06:56 PM
Cool stuff!
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-20-2014 , 05:40 AM
Your $500 to my $650 that you don't profit pre RB with an abi >20 for the whole 24hrs according to shark scope. Do you have a global alias on SS to track all sites?
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-20-2014 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by kevmode
So op you are going to be grinding on Poker Stars correct? You should do a live justin t.v type thing that would be cool possibly. If you are drinking a bunch of beers and playing for 24 hours how are you going to be able to focus and last for 24hours? I haven't really seen anyone do a charity type of grinding marathon so it could be a good thing.
yes i will play on stars and many other sites (ftp, pp, 888, winamax, .fr) , my global ss alias is "moertelmuhh" i prolly wont drink during the duration of the challenge as it obv hinders my performance, maybe if its going well...
about the justin tv thing: pretty much only doing it if i generate enough action as its too much hassle otherwise and im fairly self-concious. i guess it will be fairly boring aswell to just see someone clicking away for 24+ hs when ill be 30+ tabling for most of it, so it wont be v entertaining...

Originally Posted by GizYaChips
Your $500 to my $650 that you don't profit pre RB with an abi >20 for the whole 24hrs according to shark scope. Do you have a global alias on SS to track all sites?
global alias is "moertelmuhh" , ill accept if u do 750 to my 500, aka 1:1.5, for + profit pre RB and >20 abi and if i can play longer than 24hs to post a winning session. as i already said i only win 34% of the time lifetime and performance will obv decrease over time, so u still have a sweet valuespot imho... (mainly doing it to show how much heart i got, yolo) lmk wug

I will also donate 10% of the bets profit (if i win them)
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-20-2014 , 08:45 AM
not in for bets, good idea tho will be fun to rail. glgl

prob donate some small amount if I like the charity
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-20-2014 , 12:02 PM
lol nice find
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-20-2014 , 12:44 PM
Ill take that bet aswell. My 750 vs your 500.
Quote to book or let me know if you want me/us to escrow.

edit: GizYaChips obv has action before me if he wants it
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-20-2014 , 01:07 PM
I like this. GL hero
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-20-2014 , 01:47 PM
Love this idea! Best of luck
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-20-2014 , 01:48 PM
I'll be rooting for you! gl
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-20-2014 , 02:21 PM
glgl martin... and dont do the stream thing, it will **** up your whole PC/internet and u will #unregall after 35mins
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-20-2014 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by OMGsuperstaR
glgl martin... and dont do the stream thing, it will **** up your whole PC/internet and u will #unregall after 35mins

much gl Martin !
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-20-2014 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by TomJones09
Ill take that bet aswell. My 750 vs your 500.
Quote to book or let me know if you want me/us to escrow.
booked, ive seen u around, no escrow needed

santy can get booked for 750:500 aswell if he wants...

(20abi, 24h+ grind, profit pre RB (+ lets say 300mtts+ so i cant angle))

winamax isnt in my global alias (it is, but doesnt track somehow, buggy ****) will add it to global alias "moertelmuhh" afterwards...

gunna donate to our local techno/culture club which is threatened by some investment shark who wants to shut the club down to build a shopping centre which noone needs on the property, had many good times in said club and I think the money is needed/appreciated there (most of it will prolly go to some sort of solidary rave)
link to petition

Last edited by mo3rtelmu; 06-20-2014 at 08:23 PM.
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-20-2014 , 09:59 PM
If you manage to have a winning session and can last the 24hrs I'll ship you $50 bucks for the accomplishment and good karma. I hope others will do the same as Martin has provided us some great sweats and drunken gifs and stories and good times at Live events over the years and is doing something that is so -ev for him for a good cause. Gl jr. Bossman.

Last edited by Sect7G; 06-20-2014 at 10:05 PM.
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-21-2014 , 03:35 AM
Sick choice of charity, gl
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-21-2014 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by mo3rtelmu
booked, ive seen u around, no escrow needed

santy can get booked for 750:500 aswell if he wants...

(20abi, 24h+ grind, profit pre RB (+ lets say 300mtts+ so i cant angle))

winamax isnt in my global alias (it is, but doesnt track somehow, buggy ****) will add it to global alias "moertelmuhh" afterwards...

gunna donate to our local techno/culture club which is threatened by some investment shark who wants to shut the club down to build a shopping centre which noone needs on the property, had many good times in said club and I think the money is needed/appreciated there (most of it will prolly go to some sort of solidary rave)
link to petition

Ok, gl sir
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-21-2014 , 07:24 AM
Originally Posted by mo3rtelmu
global alias is "moertelmuhh" , ill accept if u do 750 to my 500, aka 1:1.5, for + profit pre RB and >20 abi and if i can play longer than 24hs to post a winning session. as i already said i only win 34% of the time lifetime and performance will obv decrease over time, so u still have a sweet valuespot imho... (mainly doing it to show how much heart i got, yolo) lmk wug

I will also donate 10% of the bets profit (if i win them)
I'll pass, Tom got some action so gl with it all. Def be fun to rail.
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-21-2014 , 08:57 AM

Can't believe this was nearly 4 years ago!
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-21-2014 , 12:02 PM
How can you manage to play 30 tables on different sites? That's seem crazy! Do you stack or tile your tables?

*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-21-2014 , 12:17 PM
OP has been my second favourite german OAT for a while now, but he may finally leapfrog over Wolfgang "Wolfie" Wolfe (former manager of Wolfsburg) if he completes this challenge!

Fun thread idea MM. Top poster, top grinder, top bloke.
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-21-2014 , 04:48 PM
Why don't you stream it if you are deep in a mtt and you are finishing up your session?
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
06-22-2014 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Sect7G
If you manage to have a winning session and can last the 24hrs I'll ship you $50 bucks for the accomplishment and good karma. I hope others will do the same as Martin has provided us some great sweats and drunken gifs and stories and good times at Live events over the years and is doing something that is so -ev for him for a good cause. Gl jr. Bossman.
ty bossman, nice gesture, will do my best

Originally Posted by Ledders

Can't believe this was nearly 4 years ago!
<3 lol

Originally Posted by Blackpinata3
How can you manage to play 30 tables on different sites? That's seem crazy! Do you stack or tile your tables?

mixture between stacking and tiling kinda

x2 basically

Originally Posted by LostOstrich
OP has been my second favourite german OAT for a while now, but he may finally leapfrog over Wolfgang "Wolfie" Wolfe (former manager of Wolfsburg) if he completes this challenge!

Fun thread idea MM. Top poster, top grinder, top bloke.
such kind words dad <3

(he was actually the coach of my fav football club for some time)

Originally Posted by kevmode
Why don't you stream it if you are deep in a mtt and you are finishing up your session?
y i might do that if bandwith alows it

starting in pretty much 16-18hs, still taking bets

actually ran out of bananas, so even more EV up for grabs
*** 5K Post - Mega-Grind (Charity+Bets?) *** Quote
