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5$ - TT - facing raise 5$ - TT - facing raise

03-25-2010 , 04:50 PM
30/60 Blinds (5 handed)

Hero (SB) (t1390)
BB (t4779)
UTG (t3330)
MP (t1398)
Button (t2603)

Hero's M: 15.44

Preflop: Hero is SB with 10, 10
UTG bets t210, 4 folds

Total pot: t150

Played a lot against villian, who is a winning player according to sharkscope (5% roi)

His stats is 18/15 filtered.

Would you reshove or fold here? Guess its pretty close either way?
5$ - TT - facing raise Quote
03-25-2010 , 05:49 PM
Is a call terrible here?
5$ - TT - facing raise Quote
03-25-2010 , 05:59 PM
with the blinds only 30/60 I could find a fold button here pretty quickly. I just don't see him raising 3.5bbs utg with 99 or lower and probably rarely with AK. That only leaves 10s+, which is in his range the majority of the time. It really feels like he has AA and is saying hey, here's a nice chunk of change mp and sb, go ahead shove and take it down.
5$ - TT - facing raise Quote
03-25-2010 , 11:12 PM
18/15 filtered is very tight 5 handed & obviously he's competent. Easy fold, we're likely behind his range & even if we're barely ahead, not much FE/
5$ - TT - facing raise Quote
03-26-2010 , 01:52 AM
This is a fold vs this type of player, he dominates all of our range. Blindlevel is 30-60, if we reshove it would be bad for sure. He is never calling us with worse. His PRF from that position is probably 1010+AJ+?, at best a coinflip.. If we fold we still have a healthy stack, we have only invested 60 chips. Add all this together. If you still want to reshove, be my guest.

I think flatting is bad aswell. We cant setmine vs him profitable, and it will be hard to play a flop without position with tens. He is still dominating our range if we flat him obv!
5$ - TT - facing raise Quote
03-26-2010 , 05:25 AM
Nh. I would do the same.
5$ - TT - facing raise Quote
