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0 live tourney, 500bb lol bet sizing question 0 live tourney, 500bb lol bet sizing question

12-21-2012 , 04:14 PM
5th hand of first level, blinds 25/50 effective stacks 25k. Play of hand is somewhat irrelevant, I have ATdd in the BB and flopped the nut flush. Bet flop, bet/3b turn, checked river intending to c/r (didn't think villain would raise me again on river if I bet).

Board is 543ddd, turn Ah, river 2h.

On the river, pot is 6k. I check, Villain bets 2k... I raise to? 6k? 10k? 20k (jam is 22k ish)?

Lol never had this type of situation before 500bb deep with the nuts. Sorry for formatting, on my phone right now.
0 live tourney, 500bb lol bet sizing question Quote
12-21-2012 , 04:24 PM
6200/c. Hand is the nuts ( )
0 live tourney, 500bb lol bet sizing question Quote
12-21-2012 , 04:29 PM
Lol oops not the nuts. But if I'm not folding to a 3bet jam, then what's the difference?

Overall a silly silly hand. I was having a hard time not laughing when I counted out my raise. Like, do we ever bluff here (and for how much), against your average opponent who's not a total drooler?
0 live tourney, 500bb lol bet sizing question Quote
12-21-2012 , 04:38 PM
10k high up in the air
0 live tourney, 500bb lol bet sizing question Quote
12-21-2012 , 04:58 PM
i like 10k as well. looks like we are trying to push him off a chop, so he will often call with with 6x and worse flushes, and will sometimes call just playing the board.
0 live tourney, 500bb lol bet sizing question Quote
12-21-2012 , 06:52 PM
6k/call for sure. He'll call a lot less the bigger we go especially live.
0 live tourney, 500bb lol bet sizing question Quote
12-21-2012 , 06:57 PM
0 live tourney, 500bb lol bet sizing question Quote
12-21-2012 , 06:59 PM
0 live tourney, 500bb lol bet sizing question Quote
12-21-2012 , 11:05 PM
he called a b/3b ott?

i really think he has something here. probably Kxdd. doubt he's folding to any sizing.

6k sounds good, but bet 15k if you're wearing a hoody.
0 live tourney, 500bb lol bet sizing question Quote
12-22-2012 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by oldsilver
he called a b/3b ott?

i really think he has something here. probably Kxdd. doubt he's folding to any sizing.

6k sounds good, but bet 15k if you're wearing a hoody.
No hoodie (shucks), but I'm the only young Asian kid at a table of all middle-aged to old white men, so that's something.

To me, in the moment, it was like, 6-7k seems standardish against competent opponents, ~10k seemed like a good exploitative sizing if I didn't care about balance cuz Villain was average not-very-good old dude, and then like ~15k would be if I soul-read the guy for Kxdd ish.

I basically felt like, ~10k would get called by any flush (maybe a non-flush 6x sometimes too, lol), but that like ~15k was only getting called by Kx/Qx flushes. I felt like there were enough additional combos to justify the smaller size.

Made it 9800 cuz psychology, he sighed for 5 sec before calling (so basically snap-called mentally, just took a moment for the brain to tell the hands to move the chips). Didn't show, assuming something random like 97dd or something. Figured he'd show if he had Kxdd.

Stooooopid lol live poker 500bb starting stack.
0 live tourney, 500bb lol bet sizing question Quote
12-22-2012 , 06:18 PM
Very nice
0 live tourney, 500bb lol bet sizing question Quote
12-24-2012 , 12:11 PM
if you're asian you should probably just jam
0 live tourney, 500bb lol bet sizing question Quote
12-25-2012 , 12:00 AM
how is the pot so small when he raises you on a monotone board after u bet bet (he has a flush!) and u have the nuts? just bomb the F out of the turn and then overbomb the river.
0 live tourney, 500bb lol bet sizing question Quote
12-25-2012 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by fslexcduck
how is the pot so small when he raises you on a monotone board after u bet bet (he has a flush!) and u have the nuts? just bomb the F out of the turn and then overbomb the river.
Pot is 120xBB going to the river. OP didn't tell us the previous action. Don't agree with OP that it is irrelevant. Could have been a 2.5x raise and call HU or a limped pot. OP could have been overbetting all along. We don't know. I have a feeling you are right though that the turn 3-bet was probably too small.

Also, OP does not have the nuts.

I would lead the river large after 3-betting the turn rather than playing for a c/r. Some villains might have the sense to check back.
0 live tourney, 500bb lol bet sizing question Quote
