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4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) 4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time)

12-11-2008 , 06:49 PM
Director's Commentary for December 11, 2008

Wow. W was the watch word when we were winging it last week. Wish was wonderful, with winning ways which won him way more points than we’d witnessed this season (91). Woe to Wish, however, what with WiredRounder whupping the witless fools who watched him win one tournament while winding up with third in one other. Wired wound up with a Wilt-like total well ahead of what we’re used to: 104. Wired, well played.

Whew! (Does anyone actually read this?)

By the way, between Tier 2 and his actual tournament payouts, Wired turned $47.60 into $482.82 last week. Is it your turn?

Sorry for the late thread. **** finals week.

All that out of the way, I'm your host RminusQ / jpinyan. Let's get it started.

Two + Two. It's four. So, in that spirit, four is the name of the game. We'll play four 180-man $4.40 sit-and-go's on Pokerstars. The first tournament to start registering after 9:00pm ET (21:00 server time, 6:00pm PT, 2:00am UK) will be the first tournament we play, and we'll all register for that and the three that follow afterwards. Note that if a tournament has less than 45 people registered at exactly 9:00pm, it will be our first tourney. You earn points based on your finish in each tournament. Whoever gets the most points takes down The Challenge.

Standard Disclaimer!: "This event is open to all posters of Two Plus Two but is not an official function of Two Plus Two and thus is not sponsored by Two Plus Two Publishing LLC."

twoplustwo's TAC:

Cost: The standard buy-in is $10. If you're rolling in dough, you can go Tier 2 for an extra $20 (total of $30). If you still scoff at our small stakes, you can go Tier 3 for $50 more on top (total of $80). Each of the three levels is an independent challenge, scored and run the same way. Whichever level you choose, transfer your funds to jpinyan (Allendale). If your Stars name is not the same as your 2+2 name, please post your Stars name in this thread to confirm.

How it works: Just after 9:00pm ET, I'll announce the first tournament that's part of the challenge. You join that one and the three after it. Chat in this thread about the bad beats you take and the awful play you see from the donkeys. I'll record where you finish and update the image at the end of this post. Here's the point system:

Miss a tourney: I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul
180-151st: 0 points
150-121st: 1 pt
120-101st: 2 pts
100-81st: 3 pts
80-61st: 4 pts
60-46th: 5 pts
45-37th: 6 pts
36-28th: 7 pts
27-22nd: 8 pts
21-19th: 9 pts
18-16th: 11 pts
15-13th: 12 pts
12-10th: 13 pts
9th: 15 pts
8th: 18 pts
7th: 21 pts
6th: 25 pts
5th: 29 pts
4th: 33 pts
3rd: 38 pts
2nd: 43 pts
1st: 50 pts

Making the money, making the final table, and moving up at the final table is BIG.
If you're lame enough to chop any tournament, you will in general receive points as if you got knocked out immediately (if you're part of a 4-way chop, you receive 33 points).

If players are tied in points, the tie will be broken as follows:
1st TB: Most cashes
2nd TB: Highest finish
3rd TB: Total cash won
4th TB: Fight to the death (or just chop the prizes)

Up to 8 players: Winner-take-all.
9-16 players: 75% for 1st, 25% for 2nd.
17-25 players: 60% for 1st, 30% for 2nd, 10% for 3rd.
26-35 players: 50%, 25%, 15%, 10%.
36+ players: 40%, 25%, 17%, 11%, 7%.

Each tier pays independently. In other words, if there are 19 players, 7 of them are in Tier 2, and 2 are in Tier 3, payouts will be:
Tier 1: $114 for 1st, $57 for 2nd, $19 for 3rd.
Tier 2: $140 for 1st.
Tier 3: $100 for 1st.

Confused? Take a look at last week's results, and ask if you've got any questions:

Beginning about an hour after the challenge begins, the above image will show this week's results, updated every 10-20 minutes.

4/180 Wall of Champions
Season 1: Kleath
Season 2: Stoverny
Season 3: Mflip
Season 4: Burns

All-time High Scores
fcs_82....... 1/22/08 134 (107 old style)
Ray_bob...... 1/15/08 115 (93)
travdawgks... 4/22/08 111 (90)
WiredRounder 12/ 4/08 104 (85)

Season 5 champions
miwabe........ 9/30/08 63
iluckbox..... 10/ 7/08 79
Wish........... 10/14/08 57
St. Lucifer.. 10/23/08 65
BrettButter.. 10/30/08 61
RminusQ...... 11/ 6/08 56
Wezvidzz.... 11/13/08 52
Killingbird.. 11/20/08 59
WiredRounder 12/ 4/08 104
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 07:18 PM
I'm in for tier 2, looking for the repeat performance.

Yes, RminusQ, I do read your intro and they're usually pretty entertaining.
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 07:20 PM
im in tier one....should be easy money for you guys tonight as i have to watch the bears kill the saints tonight
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 07:25 PM
in for tier 1
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 07:31 PM
Got all three of yours. Schu, thanks for the "Tip the dealer + No doomswitch" option.

I'm going to take a much-needed hour nap, so I won't be back to verify any transfers until shortly before 8.
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 08:14 PM
in tier 1, monies shipped.

PS sn: JerseyRU

trying to avoid my standard line of 1 cash and a middle of the pack finish.
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by rminusq
Director's Commentary for December 11, 2008

Wow. W was the watch word when we were winging it last week. Wish was wonderful, with winning ways which won him way more points than we’d witnessed this season (91). Woe to Wish, however, what with WiredRounder whupping the witless fools who watched him win one tournament while winding up with third in one other. Wired wound up with a Wilt-like total well ahead of what we’re used to: 104. Wired, well played.

Whew! (Does anyone actually read this?)

By the way, between Tier 2 and his actual tournament payouts, Wired turned $47.60 into $482.82 last week. Is it your turn?
The best part about this is I insta cashed out the majority that night and shipped a 24' monitor that night. Which is the nuts, especially considering I had been playing on a laptop up to that point.

Beat: This past week stars flipped the standard post cashout doomswitch on
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 08:36 PM
lol, doomswitch always on after cashout.

Count me in for tier 1.
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by WiredRounder
The best part about this is I insta cashed out the majority that night and shipped a 24' monitor that night. Which is the nuts, especially considering I had been playing on a laptop up to that point.

Beat: This past week stars flipped the standard post cashout doomswitch on
hey, are you running your laptop thru that monitor...just curious because I've also been playing of my laptop for a long time, but wouldn't mind upgrading to a better set up...kinda sick of mad tiling of tables and I'm also computer illiterate, thus I have no idea if this is possible, but I would think it would be?

I might get in on this tonight too, but I do have one last exam tomorrow...should be a breeze tho, so if theres a few more for tier 2, sign me up!
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Flotastic
lol, doomswitch always on after cashout.

Count me in for tier 1.
i think there might be something to this doomswitch... i wrote an email to ps about my bad luck, how i cant get the best hand to hold. The next day i won a tourney for 3.5k
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 08:51 PM
Got Jersey and Flo.
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 09:06 PM
In for tier 1.
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 09:18 PM
Got Miwabe. 45 minutes left til start.
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 09:22 PM

I haven't decided if I will participate tonight, but I shot you 10 scoots for tier 1 under the Punahou 80 alias just in case.

Yours Truly, Reck
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by vheruption
hey, are you running your laptop thru that monitor...just curious because I've also been playing of my laptop for a long time, but wouldn't mind upgrading to a better set up...kinda sick of mad tiling of tables and I'm also computer illiterate, thus I have no idea if this is possible, but I would think it would be?

I might get in on this tonight too, but I do have one last exam tomorrow...should be a breeze tho, so if theres a few more for tier 2, sign me up!
Yeah, I'm running the monitor through the laptop. I'm not the best with computers, I just pretty much plugged it in and prayed...The only thing I made sure of was that the monitor had analog output capabilities b/c my laptop only had analog connection abilities.

Yeah playing a lot of tables, and for me a lot of tables is like 12, on a laptop is pretty annoying. It's definitely well worth upgrading if you play a lot of tables.
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 09:25 PM
In, Tier 1. Wish2007.

Gotta defend my position as the first loser.
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 09:28 PM
in for tier 1. Mflip10.
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 09:39 PM
20 minutes to go time.

Reckless1der Punahou 80 1?
WiredRounder WiredRounder 2
Wish Wish2007 1
schu_81 schu_81 1
Flotastic Flotastic 1
miwabe miwabe 1
Mflip mflip10 1
pants40 pants40 1
rminusq jpinyan 1
JerseyDP JerseyRU 1

Wired, I think you scared everyone off of Tier 2.
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 09:47 PM
No, somebody out there is going to shed their nit coat and release their inner degen
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 09:49 PM
Sorry, my nit coat is warm and comfortable.
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Wish
Sorry, my nit coat is warm and comfortable.
lol....sigh I was kind of banking on you.

Paging Vheruption (sp?)
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 09:56 PM
in for tier 1

"spoonerisms" on Stars
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 09:56 PM
126444038 is not going to be the Tourney A.

126445993 is Tourney A. Register now.

Last edited by rminusq; 12-11-2008 at 10:02 PM.
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 09:59 PM

coffeecrazy1 is name.
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
12-11-2008 , 10:01 PM
4/180 challenge TONIGHT (Dec 11, 21:00 Stars time) Quote
