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k - Postflop oop w/ JJ - ADVICE NEEDED PLZ! k - Postflop oop w/ JJ - ADVICE NEEDED PLZ!

10-28-2009 , 08:38 PM
Sorry, but I can't figure out how to get the hand history... thanks in advance for the advice!

blinds are 20/40

I have 3,150 and am dealt JJ in the sb

utg+1 limps, MP (villain w/ ~4.3k) raises to 120, cutoff calls, I call, BB folds

Pot is 520

flop is 4c, 2h, 5s

I check, utg+1 checks, villain bets pot (520), cutoff folds, what's my move and why?

say i just call and the turn is like an 8 or something, what should I do then?

(Ftr, and keep in mind I am terrible at poker, I read his pot bet as weakness, rationale being if he has a big hand, why would be bet so much on a board that is unlikely to have hit hands that would have called his pf raise? Wouldn't he want action here? At this point, i put him on like AK/AQ/77-1010, assuming he is trying to push us out with his gutshot and two overs/overpair. Lo and behold, i shove (see above for reason) and he snaps with KK... sigh)

Last edited by asheikh17; 10-28-2009 at 08:55 PM.
k - Postflop oop w/ JJ - ADVICE NEEDED PLZ! Quote
10-28-2009 , 08:46 PM
its pretty tough and dependent on how wide he is raising PF
is TT/99/AQ/AJ in his pf-raise range?
seriously with no info as played on t he flop, i dont mind folding at all with our big nice stack.
although raising this flop isnt awful either but folding then if he shoves is pretty hurtful

Last edited by Recteur; 10-28-2009 at 08:57 PM.
k - Postflop oop w/ JJ - ADVICE NEEDED PLZ! Quote
10-28-2009 , 08:49 PM
pls keep in mind this hand occurred during the second level and I had no reads on villain or his tendencies...

Recteur, i would assume those hands to be in his pf-raise range
k - Postflop oop w/ JJ - ADVICE NEEDED PLZ! Quote
10-28-2009 , 08:53 PM
5 high rainbow? raise define your hand if he comes back over the top your beat.
k - Postflop oop w/ JJ - ADVICE NEEDED PLZ! Quote
10-28-2009 , 08:57 PM
You should just call. Getting AI is marginally +EV I think, as the only hands you'll usually get play from are stuff we're WB like QQ+, only 60% against AQ-AK, and obviously dominating TT-88. 1.5% block of the time we have 20% equity, 2.8% we have 60% equity, the other 1% block we're ahead of we have 80% equity. So out of this collective 5.3% block of hands, we'll win 2.8%, or ~ 52% equity. Obviously getting AI OTF isn't such a bad play then, but I think we can make a better decision by waiting untill OTT.

Knowing this, readless OTT if villain barrels again, depending on what card it is and what their sizing is, we can find a fold. IE if a Q-A hits OTT and villain follows thru again big, we can probably fold. If it bricks again and villain bets big again, we'll fold less here but still on occassion I think, usually c/c again though w/ the intention of calling on any non disastrous river. If it just hits an 8 its gonna be a hard c/f even against a big bet, we're probably only ahead of 99-TT and an optimistic AK-AQ that might have picked up a FD.

There aren't really an easy answers though, make your life easier by 3B/C PF I think.
k - Postflop oop w/ JJ - ADVICE NEEDED PLZ! Quote
10-28-2009 , 09:04 PM
thanks for the replies, guys. Much appreciated.
k - Postflop oop w/ JJ - ADVICE NEEDED PLZ! Quote
