PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 35 Tournament, 1000/2000 Blinds 200 Ante (9 handed) -
PokerStars Converter Tool from
CO (t23948)
Button (t6897)
SB (t9969)
BB (t25084)
Hero (UTG) (t33576)
UTG+1 (t46872)
MP1 (t55571)
MP2 (t47261)
MP3 (t20822)
Hero's M: 7.00
Preflop: Hero is UTG with Q

, A
Hero bets t4000,
1 fold,
MP1 raises to t7777,
6 folds, Hero?
No stats/reads. He was on one of the other tables until the FT and this is like the third hand. On the previous hand I'd opened 66 in UTG+1 and MP2 in this hand (MP3 in the previous hand) had reshoved all in. He barely covered and I folded, so villain has just seen me raise/fold the previous hand.
1. $1,735.06
2. $1156.68
3. $688.22
4. $462.67
5. $375.92
6. $289.17
7. $202.41
8. $150.36
9. $98.31
Last edited by AimHigher; 03-14-2012 at 05:24 PM.