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0 live - top pair OOP vs solid reg 0 live - top pair OOP vs solid reg

02-10-2015 , 01:09 PM
Day 2 of a large field tournament, about 15 or so from the money. Table was pretty reg heavy, 2 on my right and one on my immediate left.

Hero has been fairly aggressive since the outset of day 2, chipping up from 190k to 270k winning small pots and eliminating a short stack. I'm a cash reg that plays these MTTs somewhat often.

Villain is on my direct left, he's a solid regular, aggressive and fairly sticky post flop. I've played with him a couple of times (once at 2/5, again in day 1 of a similar MTT where we battled a bit). My read is that he'll attack weakness fairly often.

I've seen BB around before, not much of a read on him.

Hero has about 220k to start the hand, villain has a similar stack, big blind is playing about 100-120k.

Blinds 3000/6000, 1000 ante

Action folds to Hero in MP with QJ who raises to 12k, Villain in HJ calls 12k, and the big blind calls.

Flop (48k) J76 (don't remember exactly whether the 6 or 7 was the diamond, but fairly sure it wasn't the jack)

BB checks, Hero ???

Not sure the best line to take here. I feel like I have the best hand a lot, but I also think villain is going to put me in some tough spots and probably not fold on this texture very often. Thoughts?
0 live - top pair OOP vs solid reg Quote
02-10-2015 , 06:17 PM
Start by betting. Lots of good things can happen. Hard to believe you are not ahead at this point. Size your bet to induce the BB to fold or jam.
0 live - top pair OOP vs solid reg Quote
02-11-2015 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by Julius187
Day 2 of a large field tournament, about 15 or so from the money. Table was pretty reg heavy, 2 on my right and one on my immediate left.

Not sure the best line to take here. I feel like I have the best hand a lot, but I also think villain is going to put me in some tough spots and probably not fold on this texture very often. Thoughts?
a volatile start to the day 190k->270k->220k and now you're expecting him to play back at you with a wide range - and you'll never know if it's 2pr+ or some multi draw or complete air he's barreling at you. ah the life we lead as LAGS...

i'm 100% prepared to go broke with this image and TPGK, provided you keep bluffs and weaker floats in his range. some may disagree close to bubble, but it really is the perfect storm (Hero image, draw heavy flop, bubble approaching, V has position) for any competent V to try to run you off the hand and applymaximumpressure.

V is going to float a c-bet more often than raising. so i'd bet flop and check/jam turn.

however, imo his range is considerably stronger if he raises flop and i'd be prepared to ld subject to live reads
0 live - top pair OOP vs solid reg Quote
02-11-2015 , 01:07 PM
bet 18-20k
0 live - top pair OOP vs solid reg Quote
02-11-2015 , 01:43 PM
I like a check here. While you are ahead most of the time, and I generally like betting when I'm ahead, here are a few arguments for a check.

1) It will be hard to get three streets of value from worse.
2) Cutoff villain likes to attack weakness. You need a few strong hands in your checking to prevent him from blowing you off your hand every time you check a flop. This hand is a good candidate for a bluff-catcher.
3) Your hand is unlikely to improve, which makes it a worse candidate for calling a raise from either player. I would prefer a bet if I had some backdoor equity.
4) You will get some info about the strength of BBs hand by letting cutoff make the first bet
0 live - top pair OOP vs solid reg Quote
02-13-2015 , 08:07 PM
In hindsight I think I need to bet for value and protection. As said my hand doesn't improve very often, so I think that's an argument for trying to win the pot immediately. I think I made a mistake and the small blind may have called as well. I feel like the flop was 4 way action. My checking range becomes somewhat protected by the two other players so the button shouldn't be able to just to fire away relentlessly.

I end up checking, button bets 22.5k, SB folds, BB calls, Hero calls

Turn Ad checks around
River 9d checks to villain on button who bets 55k, BB folds, Hero ??
0 live - top pair OOP vs solid reg Quote
