Originally Posted by Ronny Mahoni
The size of your penis doesnt really influence your decision or at least it shouldnt.
Demetri how do you even know that the poster is the player and not just a guy who pretends to be? Tomo earned his respect on this forum through constant good posts over years. Id always respect his opinion over the one from a random guy who just signed here (especially if this guy gives no reasons).
With that said, I deffo call here too. Your folding EV is most likely going to be way lower as it appears to be. And I rather go 3way allin with JJ and 200 chips than 3way with atc and 50 chips. Also I agree that JJ shouldnt be the bottom of your range.
First of I did call with JJ ,also the BB should not be really wide if I fold ,as some above said.
The BB should fold ,because he will be getting a 3 way all in with me being at risk in the next few orbits
Not sure you can compare Tom to Jay and Mouldy,Jay is top of the shark scope lb for hypers in 2011 ,before that he was number 1 for norm 6 man sng......Mouldy (A high stakes FTP Hyper pro)coached Jay for hypers so you do the Maths
I don't think Tom will come close to them guys tbh,a top player will always have more respect from me over a top poster,for the obv reason
But it was good to hear Toms thoughts