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 rush 1k GTD on Full Tilt, squeeze spot, 2 pair - flop decision.  rush 1k GTD on Full Tilt, squeeze spot, 2 pair - flop decision.

01-27-2014 , 08:59 AM
The drooler that called is 23/8 over 110 hands, I expect him to be wide here with some aces in his range; otf we have a pot sized bet and I think shoving looks more bluffy. Did I lose value? What do you think is the optimal line?

Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em Tournament, 300/600 Blinds 75 Ante (6 handed) - Full Tilt Converter Tool from

Button (t13,674)
Hero (SB) (t30,444)
BB (t25,094)
UTG (t33,351)
MP (t44,075)
CO (t9,468)

Hero's M: 22.55

Preflop: Hero is SB with J, 5
1 fold, MP raises to t1,200, 1 fold, Button calls t1,200, Hero raises to t3,445, 2 folds, Button calls t2,245

Flop: (t9,140) J, A, 5 (2 players)
Hero bets t10,500, 1 fold

Total pot: t9,140


Hero didn't show J, 5.
Outcome: Hero won t9,140
 rush 1k GTD on Full Tilt, squeeze spot, 2 pair - flop decision. Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:20 AM

And fold pre : i i know you think he probably can't call since he had 22BB but when they are bad they'll do lots of stupid things (that's why they're that bad )
So it's definitely possible he will decide to see a flop with KTs.
 rush 1k GTD on Full Tilt, squeeze spot, 2 pair - flop decision. Quote
01-27-2014 , 09:55 AM
Squeeze pre is a bit too small, if you're going to go for one, go for x2.5 original raise+1 for each caller to maximize your FE. Especially for a hand like yours which doesn't flop well and OOP OTF, you have to squeeze a little bigger.
As mentioned above fold pre. I'd squeeze with gaped connectors and super gaped connectors with reads, but not with total junk.
As played 3/4 c-bet is more than enough, with enough left to shove OTT.
Also BI of this MTT is 3$. I wouldn't pull fancy bluff squeezes etc at this limit, might sound bad but at this limit you need to focus on value more than skill. From limits 10$+ you can start doing things like this
 rush 1k GTD on Full Tilt, squeeze spot, 2 pair - flop decision. Quote
01-27-2014 , 10:16 AM
^^ cards don't matter when you have a light opener and a wide caller...
 rush 1k GTD on Full Tilt, squeeze spot, 2 pair - flop decision. Quote
01-27-2014 , 03:11 PM
if ur going to play this pre ,i'd make it much more, your basically giving them good odds to call pre , adn with j5s u dont want that!

as played , i'd lead out with half pot bet , standard.
 rush 1k GTD on Full Tilt, squeeze spot, 2 pair - flop decision. Quote
01-27-2014 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by all_in_pockets
if ur going to play this pre ,i'd make it much more, your basically giving them good odds to call pre , adn with j5s u dont want that!

as played , i'd lead out with half pot bet , standard.
Are we not repping big pairs by inducing?
 rush 1k GTD on Full Tilt, squeeze spot, 2 pair - flop decision. Quote
01-27-2014 , 10:28 PM
I actually quite like this until the flop action. Though it is unorthadox our 3 bet size looks super strong. So if you have reads, players opening too much etc this is great imaginative stuff. otf I dont understand the overbet. You said you have a pot sized bet behind.... But from what I can see you have over 3x pot behind. I dont think that an overbet (or even close) is a good idea here. I dont think there are a bunch of A's in thier range and certainly not too many strong ones. If they give action they can have gutshots, flush draws, weak A's and sets. 1/3 to 1/2 pot bet otf is pretty good I think, I dont think we are folding.
 rush 1k GTD on Full Tilt, squeeze spot, 2 pair - flop decision. Quote
01-28-2014 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by ibimon
Squeeze pre is a bit too small, if you're going to go for one, go for x2.5 original raise+1 for each caller to maximize your FE. Especially for a hand like yours which doesn't flop well and OOP OTF, you have to squeeze a little bigger.
As mentioned above fold pre. I'd squeeze with gaped connectors and super gaped connectors with reads, but not with total junk.
As played 3/4 c-bet is more than enough, with enough left to shove OTT.
Also BI of this MTT is 3$. I wouldn't pull fancy bluff squeezes etc at this limit, might sound bad but at this limit you need to focus on value more than skill. From limits 10$+ you can start doing things like this
 rush 1k GTD on Full Tilt, squeeze spot, 2 pair - flop decision. Quote
01-28-2014 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by OutPlayU27
Why don't we just fkn jam? The amount of imbeciles in these forums is massively rising these days...

So if you have AA there you gonna make it 5.4k and make weak aces and 77-TT fold. Awesome! And you better always pump your 3bet bluffs and limp top range in order for the good regs to pick up on that tendency and exploit you. And of course least but not last - let's have a static 3bet bluffing range and miss all good squeezing spots because 76s does netter post than J5s.

Last edited by Dion; 01-28-2014 at 07:55 PM. Reason: Selling brain by piece - 5 pence each....
 rush 1k GTD on Full Tilt, squeeze spot, 2 pair - flop decision. Quote
01-29-2014 , 12:38 PM
@ Dion

not gonna bother discussing tbh
 rush 1k GTD on Full Tilt, squeeze spot, 2 pair - flop decision. Quote
01-29-2014 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by Dion
Why don't we just fkn jam? The amount of imbeciles in these forums is massively rising these days...

So if you have AA there you gonna make it 5.4k and make weak aces and 77-TT fold. Awesome! And you better always pump your 3bet bluffs and limp top range in order for the good regs to pick up on that tendency and exploit you. And of course least but not last - let's have a static 3bet bluffing range and miss all good squeezing spots because 76s does netter post than J5s.
You played it the worse way i can imagine.You make a questionable squeeze, but w/e, hit 2p and make a stupid cbet otf. (and you know it)
You described V as some drullers (without giving to many info on them or OR) wich makes this play even worse cuz no matter what size you make pre, they still not folding and your OOP
Now, don´t know what boders me most? That you insult the posters here, *who are trying they best to post explain/improving as you* or that you´ve been around for some time now on this forum and didn´t learn a damn thing ?
 rush 1k GTD on Full Tilt, squeeze spot, 2 pair - flop decision. Quote
