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3 handed knockout sigh call? 3 handed knockout sigh call?

08-27-2019 , 09:23 PM
Knockout Tourney Getting down to final few tables. Play has been pretty standard.

Blinds 2500/5000 500 already in the money about 20/225 left

Big Blind (41,480 in chips)
UTG (13,031 in chips)
UTG+1 (83,794 in chips)
UTG+2 (92,234 in chips)
Dealer [hero] (209,836 in chips)
Small Blind (82,532 in chips)

Preflop: Fold, Fold, Fold, Hero has As5s Raises to 15,000, Small blind calls,Big blind call.

Flop: 4h Js 7c

Check, Check, Hero Check

Turn: Ah

Small blind goes all in for 67,032, Big Blind calls all in for 25980... Hero? And thoughts on previous streets?
3 handed knockout sigh call? Quote
08-28-2019 , 10:51 AM
Open shove pre. As played, blinds should lack all trips combos, and likely most of the Ax 2prs if not all of them. Without reads call. If blinds are exploitatively strong here you're ****ed, but in long run you will net a huge advantage from their nittyness. I think if turn was Ad, you could find some hero fold, but with all the available draws it's gotta be a call.
3 handed knockout sigh call? Quote
08-28-2019 , 11:01 AM
Easy muck. Big Blind can't be bluffing by a call. Sure, he could have draw, but you are probably dominated. And, what did you raise pre with that you didn't bet flop? Likely an ace, and they should know that.

Also, 3 Big's is probably too big of a raise at this blind structure, but I don't know what sizing has been getting through. I like 2.5 x, to 2 x. Then, bet another 2 Bigs on flop and see what happens. May have lost one or both of them. AH is action card!
3 handed knockout sigh call? Quote
09-04-2019 , 11:35 AM

I did end up tank calling because of A. I'm still alive even if I lose and B. its a knockout tournament and I'd get 2 bounties if i win.

I did think that I had to be behind at least the BB like you said. I talked myself into calling because of the donk shove from the SB led me to believe theres a good chance I had him. SB had J10hh BB had J8o (lol). I was happily surprised. River was 3c . Went on to take 1st but this was a crucial hand that put me super deep.

I do think that the call was wrong, even though i won, but with the mixed answers, i just don't know, guess it has to depend on reads.
3 handed knockout sigh call? Quote
09-04-2019 , 11:57 AM
Depends on the KO values
3 handed knockout sigh call? Quote
09-05-2019 , 08:27 AM
With that chip lead, bounty hunting two smaller stacks makes sense with top pair. Is the bounty half the buy in?
3 handed knockout sigh call? Quote
09-05-2019 , 11:18 AM
If it's not progressive KO, the bounty is worthless at that stage of the tourney. If it's progressive KO, we need to know the bounties on villains
3 handed knockout sigh call? Quote
09-05-2019 , 12:56 PM
bovada nightly knockout, not progressive, bounty was 25% total buy in. Chipping up was more important, yes i c bounty should be considered a non issue at that point. I still had a stack to play with had i lost.
3 handed knockout sigh call? Quote
