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.5 18man ITM .5 18man ITM

10-31-2013 , 01:56 PM
Hi there, nash says fold here and if sb pushes 100% we can call only 77+ ATs+ AQo+. This means that we fold also hands like AJo, ATo, A8s etc. My question is, do you really fold these hands? i mean if we double up we can be the big stack bully and win more often 1st place,also these hands have a lot of equity vs sb's wide range.Does it make sense?

Poker Stars, $3.16 Buy-in (400/800 blinds, 50 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 3 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

Hero (BB): 7,338 (9.2 bb)
BTN: 3,432 (4.3 bb)
SB: 16,230 (20.3 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BB with K Q
BTN folds, SB raises to 16,180 and is all-in, Hero?
.5 18man ITM Quote
10-31-2013 , 02:40 PM
if btn had like 4,4 or 5,4k stack its much closer for us to call. also depends how nitty the shortie is, coz if hes super nit he can still fold atleast 2 orbits if not more, and we lose 1,2k + ante each round and soon we have no stack. so all these icm stuffs are close, and shud figured out how the future hands guna be played, for example if the shortie guna walk bigstack alot, or bigstack guna walk shortie alot but shove u atc, small things like this part of information we need when figuring out if we wanna flip or not
.5 18man ITM Quote
10-31-2013 , 02:59 PM
I fold this
.5 18man ITM Quote
11-01-2013 , 08:17 AM
Depends on how they play. If they're both solid maybe we should go a little wider, since there's good future equity when switching stacks with SB.
Maybe KQo is too wide, maybe not, dunno.
I'd go with AT 66 KQs.
.5 18man ITM Quote
11-01-2013 , 01:02 PM
BTN is too short for this ever to be a call i feel. Also the fact that even if were to win this you arnt guaranteed the tournament. And if you bust you just let in the shortie for 2nd.
Better to fold here and just wail on the shortie next hand. Also SB range will have alot of Ax in it which just dominates your range. Better to play it safe.

I probably call here with 88+ AQs.
.5 18man ITM Quote
