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3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs 3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs

04-01-2014 , 08:21 AM
Villian is new to the table.

Missing about 10 spots to the money.

Fold or call?

Poker Stars $3.00+$0.30 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t400/t800 Blinds + t100 - 9 players - View hand 2465011
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

MP2: t9622 M = 4.58
CO: t54196 M = 25.81
BTN: t11961 M = 5.70
SB: t50022 M = 23.82
BB: t37722 M = 17.96
Hero (UTG): t32216 M = 15.34
UTG+1: t3692 M = 1.76
UTG+2: t35631 M = 16.97
MP1: t17960 M = 8.55

Pre Flop: (t2100) Hero is UTG with T J
Hero raises to t1600, 1 fold, UTG+2 calls t1600, 1 fold, MP2 calls t1600, 1 fold, BTN calls t1600, 1 fold, BB calls t800

Flop: (t9300) J J 6 (5 players)
BB checks, Hero bets t4000, UTG+2 folds, MP2 folds, BTN folds, BB raises to t36022 all in, Hero ?
3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs Quote
04-01-2014 , 08:46 AM
i´m very tempted to call vs the bb --> he might have called any Jxs in the bb for that prize (maybe even any Jx). on the other hand i´m wondering if we should c-bet in the first place --> yea there´s a flush draw outthere but which hand are we cbetting here 5way? i dont even know if we should cbet QQ+ here. and yea we have trips but when we get action we only have a bluffcatcher.

[e] just noticed the stacksizes of mp2 and btn. then we should def cbet qq+
3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs Quote
04-01-2014 , 09:14 AM
open is fine, but with stack sizes behind I don't hate open folding.

flop is a **** of a spot vs 4. I think he's bluffing with a mid-pair/diamond draw enough to make it a call, but I hate doing it.
3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs Quote
04-01-2014 , 09:17 AM
Total pot size is 49322 hero has to call 26,616 , you're getting 1.8 to 1 to call here.

It's a shame you dont have any read's , if villian is a tight player the only hands which i can see that has you beat is 6s AJ, KJ, JQ. however i think most opponents here will c/c otf if they had this hand espically a full house imo so it seems unlikely that they are holding a pair of 6s , then again all players are different and he may be gii here hoping to get called by F'Ds or from hands like Jx

you also beat many hands like j9s, j8s, j7s which is always possible villian called from the big blind espically if they are a loose player.

all in all , i can go either way here , readless just makes it so much diffcult to know where we are at , nor do I think folding is horrible.
3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs Quote
04-01-2014 , 07:58 PM
Easy call

I didn't calculate pot odds, but if the above poster is correct on 1.8 to 1 which I assume is correct you need 35.7% equity to call.

If the opponent has this range (most probable), then you have 66.06% equity, easy call
66-TT,AJs,KJs,QJs,J5s+,AJo,KJo,QJo,J6o+,Kh3h+,Qh5h+,T h7h+,Ah2h+

If you assume worst case that he is only shoving a Jack(AJs,KJs,QJs,J7s+,AJo,KJo,QJo,J7o+), but i think that middle pairs and flush draws are in there like 80% of the time, then you still have 48.20% equity so call

Keep in mind that tournaments should always be played to win. I try to stay above 30 BBs at all times because I know I can easily outplay my opponents at the micros, and even at the midstakes probably.

Chips are power, and if you win this hand, you are in a great position to final table or better yet, win.

Last edited by TheYoungGun; 04-01-2014 at 08:04 PM.
3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs Quote
04-02-2014 , 11:29 AM
Difficult to fold here.

Villain is unknown so no reads but he could be doing it with a FD or bluffing thinking J's missed a lot of your EP raising range and we were c-betting with AQ-AK or might even fold an overpair due to the threat of trips.
3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs Quote
04-02-2014 , 12:19 PM
My first impression reading the HH was I wouldn't open UTG with JTs with 4 reshove stacks behind, but I still could probably go either way. As for the flop, my first impression was fold. Villain would have to be a sicko to x/jam as a bluff for 40 bigs after you cbet into 4 with the stack sizes they have. I know you're getting almost 2:1, but I just think this is a value shove so much more than a FD.
3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs Quote
04-02-2014 , 12:41 PM
I definitely think a flush draw is in his range based on the fact that he knows you could possibly fold QQ+ due to the possibility of trips. Based on the odds I see no reason to fold at all.
3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs Quote
04-02-2014 , 12:44 PM
Everyone seems to forget that villain is also unknown.
3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs Quote
04-02-2014 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by LoNgMan
Everyone seems to forget that villain is also unknown.
yah - calling here.
3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs Quote
04-02-2014 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by LoNgMan
Everyone seems to forget that villain is also unknown.
Lol, doesn't matter, still calling. The math says call.
3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs Quote
04-02-2014 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by TheYoungGun
Easy call

I didn't calculate pot odds, but if the above poster is correct on 1.8 to 1 which I assume is correct you need 35.7% equity to call.
Originally Posted by TheYoungGun
Lol, doesn't matter, still calling. The math says call.
We're not getting 1.8 to 1 though, we're getting 1.6 to 1. That makes a difference when we need more equity to make the call.

$1600 * 5 = $8,000
$900 in antes
$400 from SB
= $9,300 preflop

$9,300 + $4,000 cbet + $4,000 initial call + $26,616 effective raise. So, we're calling $26,616 to win $43,916 or 1.6 to 1. So we need 38% to be +EV. Not to mention its for entire stack. It's a lot closer than you think and all depends on how we think he plays his flushdraws.

If he's only jamming for value and peeling most of his FD's/77-TT type hands, then I gave him J7s+, JTo+ and 66. We have 33% equity vs that range so our call would be -EV. Of course the more FD's you add, the better equity you get, but to just assume an unknown is x/jamming with under PP's and FD's on the bubble this deep vs a super strong range is pretty optimistic and seems we're justifying making a thin b/c for our whole stack.

Maybe I'm just reading too much into a situation for a $3 MTT.
3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs Quote
04-02-2014 , 04:01 PM
I think J8o+ is a better assessment as he is getting excellent odds in the BB and likely to call preflop with almost anything. I think he's more likely to have a flush draw than anything else because I personally don't think a jack would shove the flop as often as a flush draw would. He's OOP and peeling with a flush draw isn't optimal on the flop I think. I would think shoving is almost always the play here OOP with a jack, 66, or a flush draw in a micro tournament.

I think we are going to far into in a $3.30 tournament. Maybe I'm giving him too much credit, but if it's anything I'm giving him credit for it's shoving a jack. I would say it's a flush draw the majority of the time for sure.
3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs Quote
04-02-2014 , 06:34 PM
You have 15 big blinds and have trips. What are you waiting for? If you're beat, gg. But why are you so bothered about min cashing?
3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs Quote
04-02-2014 , 08:15 PM
Snapping. Not too concerned about not min-cashing in a $3 tourney when we should have a really good chance to build a monster stack here.

Originally Posted by TheYoungGun
The math says call.
Seems like a fairly absolute statement to a relatively unclear situation.
3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs Quote
04-02-2014 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Stealthje
You have 15 big blinds and have trips. What are you waiting for? If you're beat, gg. But why are you so bothered about min cashing?
He has 40bb.

Still a call though.
3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs Quote
04-02-2014 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by Dragons_Egg
Snapping. Not too concerned about not min-cashing in a $3 tourney when we should have a really good chance to build a monster stack here.

Seems like a fairly absolute statement to a relatively unclear situation.
Oh it's an absolute statement for sure to a relatively unclear situation. It's unclear and that's why I assigned ranges, which are totally reasonable. In either situation he should still call.
3,3$ money bubble, trips with JTs Quote
