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2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" 2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well"

07-18-2009 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by Glitlr
1) If I was a chic would I be hot?

Originally Posted by tastychicken
FYI you should probably re-align the HEM stats on the top left so that they don't cover the notes if you use them.
how to do this?
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 01:34 PM
i think there's some "save layout" button or something like that in table manager so that whenever u load the same kind of table those stats come up in those places
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 01:45 PM
dl the video right now. Can´t wait to check it out.
GL in the future and I hope for more input from you here on these forums.
btw. are you Neady on stars?
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by tastychicken
Congrats on 2k

FYI you should probably re-align the HEM stats on the top left so that they don't cover the notes if you use them.

~5:15, is 22 standard limp UTG+1? I think I bet bigger no flop in case of JT or something like that.

~14:20 Think flat with 99 is ok only b/c villain has relatively loose stats.

~17:50 I think erik should've really pushed pre. I do the same with 99.

~19:00 77 raise way too loose.

~21:30 shove pre with QQ probably better

~28:50 try using wiz on the AT. It should be closer than u seem to make it.

~29:20 really check this AT shove

~34:25 I like the AA play

~42:20 if you had 86 more chips I would fold. otherwise shove.
+1 and I also think that you have missed 3shove that have not been cited in this thread for the moment (2 are very clear for me and one could be a leak from my side).
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by tastychicken
Congrats on 2k

FYI you should probably re-align the HEM stats on the top left so that they don't cover the notes if you use them.

~5:15, is 22 standard limp UTG+1? I think I bet bigger no flop in case of JT or something like that. Yeah you could be right, multiway giving cheap cards on a KQ board is going to get messy on a lot of turns. 22 isn't a standard limp for me at the 60s no, in fact most of the time I am just open folding it, but at the 16s I limp it 100% for sure.

~14:20 Think flat with 99 is ok only b/c villain has relatively loose stats. Yeah was really unsure about this one, it felt a little spewy tbh, I think folding or flatting are both ok.

~17:50 I think erik should've really pushed pre. I do the same with 99. Yeah I was really surprised to see him call with AQ, there is no sense at all in his flat pre there. I really thought he would fold 90% of the time after I shoved

~19:00 77 raise way too loose.let me explain! It's something I've been trying at t20 and t30. I used to limp all pocket pairs at the lower buy ins, but it's such a transparent thing to do because when you start betting heavy post flop it turns your hand face up to all regs at the higher buy ins. So I am now trying not to open limp anything at all at t20/t30. I am open folding really small PPs and open raising something like 66+ AJs+ there. It's something I picked up from Bigjoe's videos he talks a lot about this in one particular video and I really think it's important at the 60s to balance your range and just open raise your full VPIP range. To clarify, I am still generally set mining, but will stab at some flops in position if the situation arises. So far it's working well for me.

~21:30 shove pre with QQ probably better Really? I think this would be losing value

~28:50 try using wiz on the AT. It should be closer than u seem to make it. It's really really close, slightly -ev possibly, but I still think it's ok to shove

~29:20 really check this AT shove same as AT above

~34:25 I like the AA play Thanks

~42:20 if you had 86 more chips I would fold. otherwise shove.Sorry not got the video on my laptop so can't remember this one.

wherever the k5 vs rounder shove with over 2:1 is it's a call Yes, I knew this in game, I didn't comment, it was just slack of me really, it's so easy sometimes when multitabling to go on autopilot for just 2 seconds and miss easy spots like that.

fyi ur friends miklan, madhatter, and rounder all suck rounder frustrates the hell out of me, he clearly isn't great, but he seems really tricky to play against. Madhatter seems ok to me, but it's early days, and can't say I have much to comment on miklan. Either way they aren't my friends!

nice runhot (even though it might not seem like it) and overall solid play Cheers
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by maxtamines
+1 and I also think that you have missed 3shove that have not been cited in this thread for the moment (2 are very clear for me and one could be a leak from my side).
Can you let me know the minutes in the vid and I will check 'em out.
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Jan0s
dl the video right now. Can´t wait to check it out.
GL in the future and I hope for more input from you here on these forums.
btw. are you Neady on stars?
No, I am NJD1977.
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 02:59 PM
let me explain! It's something I've been trying at t20 and t30. I used to limp all pocket pairs at the lower buy ins, but it's such a transparent thing to do because when you start betting heavy post flop it turns your hand face up to all regs at the higher buy ins. So I am now trying not to open limp anything at all at t20/t30. I am open folding really small PPs and open raising something like 66+ AJs+ there. It's something I picked up from Bigjoe's videos he talks a lot about this in one particular video and I really think it's important at the 60s to balance your range and just open raise your full VPIP range. To clarify, I am still generally set mining, but will stab at some flops in position if the situation arises. So far it's working well for me.
I like this a lot and think this would even apply at the more reg-heavy $16 tables. Thanks for sharing.
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Dumbo_89
Congratz on 2k!!! Time flies by fast, it really didn't seem like too long ago when you made your 1k poast. That was really really really helpful btw for a noob like myself. Looking forward to watching you vid.

What would you say is an adequate bankroll for a serious recreational player at the $16s on stars?
A serious recreational player who is relatively solid should be more than comfortable on a $1000 bankroll for the $16s. I trust my ability enough now that I think I could play the 16s off a $600-700 bankroll. Mentally though you may want a touch more. The truth is if you are hitting downswings of around $700-800 (esp within your first few 1000 games) you probably aren't ready for the 16s. I know people talk about 50 buy in downswings being common, but I really don't think they are very common at all for good solid players. Maybe check out how many times Sippin has had a >$600 downswing at the 60s over a huge sample - I'd guess very few.
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by gobao
Congrazt Neil! Your contribution to the forum is cooool gotta watch the video ASAP and prolly ask a few Q.

1. Whats your poker career plan?

2. The best tip u can give free lol to the grinders in here?

3. Where are hot pics????
Poker career plan - well thats a tough one tbh. For a start I'd love to be able to spend more time playing poker than I do, but with a family and full time job I am limited. So I can't spare any time for MTTs, which I'd love to get into more in the future. I would like my 6-12 month goal to be crushing the $60s and making $3-4k per month. Beyond that I dunno. One day I'd love to switch to cash, but at the moment I suck so bad at cash it's not even funny.

Best tip When I raise you fold! No seriously, I think something that noobs completely overlook when they are learning ICM and push/fold play is how and when to call wide. For many thousands of games I just used to auto fold so many hands to shoves around the bubble. It is much harder and more sensitive to hone this skill than it is to learn shoving ranges, but it's well worth it. I honestly think it's makes 3-4% difference to your ROI.

Hot Pics - I gave you a steamy xxx rated video with me talking dirty about when to shove it in - what more do you want?
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by tastychicken
how did u manage to filter out by blind level? plz educate
I don't think I have filtered out by Blind Level, I have filtered out by number of players. From memory I think it's set something like 9-7, 6-8, 5-7, 4-6, 1-3. You can set this in HEM in the HUD set up menu.
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Glitlr
I rly like what you've done here. Bringing players together to discuss actual hands that they can see, other than just read about.

Here are some Qs for your well.

1) If I was a chic would I be hot? For sure, you'd be smoking!
2) During the 50/100, 75/150 levels, and 100/200(a) levels if you raise pf and a random reshoves on you, do you always call with 2-1? (or what other number if there is one for you). This is a very awkward one to answer because it depends on so many other things, all I will say is that I won't raise pre if I am ever seriously going to consider folding to a reshove getting 2:1. I think it's really important to check out the players left to act and their stack sizes and ask yourself how you would react if they reshove - and if the answer is "I'd fold" and your getting 2:1, then don't raise pre, just shove or fold.

3) What is a leak of mine that you've seen/know about? I would say you perhaps get confused and overthink some of the wierd bubble situations that can go on sometimes - you know like where you first learned about completing hands like the 58o to try to bust another player out? I know you're working really hard on it and trying some new things out, and that's great. Other than that I think you are perhaps a little too nitty post flop in some spots esp reg v reg, but on the whole a very solid player.

Btw, your day job is kick azz. It's like any other day job, when you have to do it day in day out, it becomes a grind at times, but yeah it has it's real highs and lows, moreso than a hell of a lot of careers I'd say, and I do feel like I am at least contributing to the world and leaving my mark on the planet after I've gone. When I was close to finishing the Imperial War Museum, I stood in the car park on a summer evening in 2002 and the sun was setting behind the building. We were doing a late shift to test the new feature lights and when they all came on, I almost had a tear in my eye. So much effort and pain and aggravation, finally being rewarded with something so stunning that will be there for the next 50-100 years.

Sometimes I get involved in situations that I can liken to poker so much. A lot of it is processing information, and making a decision, often on many more "streets" than in poker, and for much higher stakes, but the human element is so important in what I do. Sometimes you have to slowplay someone to get max value out of them, and other times they're the kind of person that will only react to sheer aggression. The main difference is though that it isn't my bankroll, and when I "win" £100k one day and "lose" £50k the next, I still take home the same pay at the end of the month
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Raziel26
Heh, no sick metagame going on here...was just a misclick.

When I watched the vid and saw it I was am I doing? Had to dig up the HH but its 100% a misclick.

fwiw I think the 66 call from the rounder is horrible. He's one of the leakier regs imo.
Thanks Raziel - this restores my sanity, because if it wasn't a misclick I'd be stunned to hear your arguments behind the play!

Rounder is a leaky, laggy, tricky mofo. But I'll get the better of him, you have my word on it!
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 04:52 PM
- City you like best in England (excluding Warrington)?

- Favourite football team (meaning the real football with the round ball that people hit with their feet obvisously)?
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Deurdy
- City you like best in England (excluding Warrington)?

- Favourite football team (meaning the real football with the round ball that people hit with their feet obvisously)?
Warrington isn't a city, and even if it was, it would probably be my least favorite city in England!

I love Manchester, it's a great city. The music, nightlife and general atmosphere of the place is awesome. London sucks a big fat one. Lancaster was where I grew up, so I guess that would have to be second favorite.

Favorite football team is Liverpool, but I couldn't say I was a supporter, it's just I grew up in the 80s and all young kids in the 80s supported Liverpool because they were so dominant.
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by NJD77
Thanks Raziel - this restores my sanity, because if it wasn't a misclick I'd be stunned to hear your arguments behind the play!

Rounder is a leaky, laggy, tricky mofo. But I'll get the better of him, you have my word on it!
Unfortunately I'm gunna have to take a bit of a breather from the 60s...90 BI downswings suck. 38s for me, at least for a little while.

I'm not far from the 250k FPP $4k bonus though so enjoy my absence while is lasts :P

Nice to see a few other brits at STTF, I'm at uni in sheffield. Have you played much of the live circuit?
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 06:22 PM
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by Raziel26
Unfortunately I'm gunna have to take a bit of a breather from the 60s...90 BI downswings suck. 38s for me, at least for a little while.

I'm not far from the 250k FPP $4k bonus though so enjoy my absence while is lasts :P

Nice to see a few other brits at STTF, I'm at uni in sheffield. Have you played much of the live circuit?
If you want my honest opinion, I think you play too many tables. But yeah the variance is ridiculous at the 60s at the moment. I played my first set tonight and won $500, then played my second set and lost $450.

My sister lives in sheffield, and a lot of my mates went to uni there, so I know it quite well.

I have played a little bit live, at which is a local league around the North West. Had 1 decent MTT live cash, took down joint 1st from 100 runners in a £30 buy in event for £700.
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 07:05 PM
See you're 12% over 2.5k $16s and 0% over almost same amount of $27's!! Just shows variance can apply for thoooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusands of games!!!
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 07:05 PM
Thank you for this vid, and putting yourself out there. Most players won't do this because they are afraid of giving out too much personal range data.

PS: I live in Texas but was born in Peterborough. Whats it like there now?
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by CRUDEFINDER
Thank you for this vid, and putting yourself out there. Most players won't do this because they are afraid of giving out too much personal range data.

PS: I live in Texas but was born in Peterborough. Whats it like there now?
Even worse than wen u left...comin from an essexboy pmsl
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by -ChoKo-
congrats on 2 K !
about bvb hands ; all of you play them same way ? it seems that i'm too weak :/ but against reg, i'm carefull so ... ?

1) do you still tilt sometimes ?
if not, what helped you playing A game all time ?
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 08:02 PM

Another Essex boy
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 08:24 PM
Essex/texas same diff. meh
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
07-18-2009 , 08:51 PM
well done NJD. certainly respect your post. keep at it!
results from 60s?
2k Post:  Video and NJD in the "Well" Quote
