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 L6 shove 66 from SB 10BB deep vs 2 limpers?  L6 shove 66 from SB 10BB deep vs 2 limpers?

07-21-2008 , 04:58 PM
Both villains are classical donks who love to limp any suited cards or any two face cards.

Is this standard push or do we have to be more tight here?

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em Tourney, Big Blind is t200 (6 handed) Poker Stars Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)

saw flop|saw showdown

BB (t1240)
UTG (t3990)
MP (t2665)
CO (t1750)
Button (t1745)
Hero (t2110)

Preflop: Hero is SB with 6, 6.
UTG calls t200, 1 fold, CO calls t200, 1 fold, Hero raises to t2110
 L6 shove 66 from SB 10BB deep vs 2 limpers? Quote
07-21-2008 , 06:00 PM
Shoving here seems fine if You have no reason to believe utg might be tricky and limping a big hand.
 L6 shove 66 from SB 10BB deep vs 2 limpers? Quote
07-21-2008 , 07:06 PM
if youve seen them limp over and over again then great, shove. Im only doing this with definite donks though. Any sign of thinking play previously by any of them and I would rethink - is CO limping along in the hope that someone will shove into 2 limpers behind him?
 L6 shove 66 from SB 10BB deep vs 2 limpers? Quote
07-22-2008 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by Eegs
Shoving here seems fine if You have no reason to believe utg might be tricky and limping a big hand.
Originally Posted by NoSurprises
if youve seen them limp over and over again then great, shove. Im only doing this with definite donks though. Any sign of thinking play previously by any of them and I would rethink - is CO limping along in the hope that someone will shove into 2 limpers behind him?
I understand this point, I think this should be good play unless any of them is limping monster (and unless BB suddenly discovers KK on his monitor). They should all either fold or call with KJo, which is still good.

But NoSurprises, are you suggesting that thinking CO might risk to play KK or AA 4 handed hoping that btn/sb/bb will shove? Is anybody sane here doing the same?

I think the ONLY acceptable limp is AA (rarely KK) on utg or utg+1 if the table is very active. Am I wrong?
 L6 shove 66 from SB 10BB deep vs 2 limpers? Quote
07-22-2008 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by 7castle

But NoSurprises, are you suggesting that thinking CO might risk to play KK or AA 4 handed hoping that btn/sb/bb will shove? Is anybody sane here doing the same?

I think the ONLY acceptable limp is AA (rarely KK) on utg or utg+1 if the table is very active. Am I wrong?
I think my problem here is that Im from an MTT background and see a lot of players limping into aggressive players with monsters hoping to induce a shove. Wether CO is thinking this or not depends on wether he is thinking that far ahead and how agressive btn/sb/bb have been prior.
 L6 shove 66 from SB 10BB deep vs 2 limpers? Quote
07-22-2008 , 11:10 AM
i think i would just check.

If they are donks they may be silly enough to call with a fairly wide range. Also they UTG could be limping a monster, but thats not a massive concern.

Seems like too much risk right now for me. If there are antes i may lean more to shoving, but i still would be doing more checking than shoving.
 L6 shove 66 from SB 10BB deep vs 2 limpers? Quote
