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25$ - AK deep stacked 25$ - AK deep stacked

11-29-2007 , 03:59 PM
Sorry handhistory did not work. I had around 24k chips, villain has 22k. no reads on villain.

Blinds where at 250/500 with 50 antes. 3 people limp. Villain sits in mid position at my right and raises to 3k. I find AKs and I decide to call. all other players fold.

Flop comes KQ6 (2-suited). villain checks, and I bet about 70% of the pot. villain raises me (not allin) I dont remember his bet size, but it was no min bet, so it was very clear that we will be allin sooner or later if I call his bet.

I decide to push allin myself. (bad idea?)
25$ - AK deep stacked Quote
11-29-2007 , 04:24 PM
Sounds like your only decision here is to push or fold. I like fold because without reads villian just made it 6x bb behind 3 limpers is a pair a lot of times and I think you may be behind to a set, if villian is really loose he could have made that play with KQ and have 2 pair but my bet would be QQ or 66. AA is possible but I do not think his range to bet behind 3 limpers is any wider 66+, AJ+, or KQs +.

Without stack sizes, how many people left, ITM, On the bubble, or any reads it is hard to give solid analysis but push may not be bad but if I were going to push I would have pushed the flop. Now you have a hard decision and with the way this hand played out to the flop I see no reason to think you are ahead here.

I fold here to his re-raise.
25$ - AK deep stacked Quote
11-29-2007 , 06:10 PM
Anybody else check behind? I don't think I could fold after putting like 40% of my stack in but this screams QQQ to me so I guess I'd have to fold.
25$ - AK deep stacked Quote
