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/6m-99, kinda weird, JTT flop /6m-99, kinda weird, JTT flop

03-21-2011 , 11:30 AM
Poker Stars No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t25.00/t50.00 Blinds - 6 players - View hand 1241588
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MP: t1425.00 28.50 BBs
Hero (CO): t1665.00 33.30 BBs
BTN: t2250.00 45 BBs
SB: t1565.00 31.30 BBs
BB: t1445.00 28.90 BBs
UTG: t650.00 13 BBs

Pre Flop: (t75) Hero is CO with 9 9
2 folds, Hero raises to t100, BTN calls t100, 1 fold, BB calls t50

Flop: (t325) T T J (3 players)
BB checks, Hero checks, BTN bets t150.00, BB folds, Hero calls t150

Turn: (t625) 3 (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets t200.00, Hero calls t200

River: (t1025) 4 (2 players)
Hero bets t425.00, BTN calls t425

Less than 25 hand w/villain. 21/10 5ag. Flop might be close to a c/f. I think with his sizing his range is weighted more towards Ak/aq/at/smaller pps than towards Tx/Jx hands. So, I think I like betting the river so that those hands I'm beating won't checkback and I don't think it's too likely I get bluffraised because I don't think he'll have many pure draws, but rather more hands with some showdown value.
/6m-99, kinda weird, JTT flop Quote
03-21-2011 , 12:16 PM
Think I like your line once he makes that sissy turn bet. However I would just c/f flop
/6m-99, kinda weird, JTT flop Quote
03-21-2011 , 01:42 PM
Flop seems like a c/f. I don't like your river bet at all. You are bluffing right? Or trying to sd vs the draws in his range cheaply?
/6m-99, kinda weird, JTT flop Quote
03-21-2011 , 02:54 PM
Check fold flop. This is a drawy flop and you could already be drawing nearly dead, and versus most betting hands you have a ****load of outs against you. Either bet/fold or check/fold.

I strongly dislike your constant minbetting preflop (but that`s just my personal opinion), since you lose a ton of value versus lesser players. Sometimes minbetting pre is fine, but I can`t see why a good player would do it as a rule (as it seems you do). I would like to hear why you do it, if you don`t mind.
/6m-99, kinda weird, JTT flop Quote
03-21-2011 , 03:08 PM
not bluffing river, thinking his range will have lots of small pairs and Ax that just check back the river and very few KQ/hearts type of air that will be tempted to bluff raise river

min raise pre is often times standard for me, sometimes will do more if players are extra loose. I just like it bc id rather have the extra room to make decisions and think I can play a few extra hands to a min raise than for more.
/6m-99, kinda weird, JTT flop Quote
03-21-2011 , 03:10 PM
c/f or c/r seems better than c/c on the flop, tho after that i like ur line after he puts in that donk turn bet

min raise pre is silly it turns ur +ev hand into a -ev hand imo
/6m-99, kinda weird, JTT flop Quote
03-21-2011 , 03:13 PM
Btw didn't mention earlier I'd like to go a lil smaller on riv. Did he call worse?

Willy do you care to comment on why you dislike 2x pre? I do it at bb20 and I can get why you'd hate on that, but the stack sizes are purrrrfect for it at bb50.

zeal im sorry but no. raises pocket ****in 9s from the cut off is never -ev
/6m-99, kinda weird, JTT flop Quote
03-21-2011 , 03:30 PM
it's wasting money tho...i think maybe TT is ok to min but with 99 u get everyone calling and then ur hand is just for set mining, at least one over will come out around 80% of the time, and ur gonna be c/folding the best hand far too often

i think at best it's =ev which means u can't make a mistake post flop or ur paying the price

i personally don't min raise anything in 6max at this stack's not necessary...if they aren't calling anything but a min raise then raise every other hand until they do
/6m-99, kinda weird, JTT flop Quote
03-21-2011 , 07:39 PM
3x PF.
bet into flop, fold to reraise.
river bet is ugly :/
/6m-99, kinda weird, JTT flop Quote
03-21-2011 , 10:37 PM
I like raising to 3BB pre here.
It just happens too much that players call you with random hands and you have to guess whether they've hit the flop, when you raise to 2BB.

I don't like your river bet at all either.
I can't see how he can call you with worse there unless hes a donk.
How can he think hes ahead with a hand like AK or even a mid range pair given your calls on the flop and turn especially when the spade draw has just hit.
/6m-99, kinda weird, JTT flop Quote
03-22-2011 , 06:58 AM
This is my first post on 2+2 so take it for what it's worth. You say you aren't bluffing but you are putting him on a range that he can NEVER call on the river. If you put him on "lots of small pairs and Ax that just check back the river and very few KQ/hearts type of air that will be tempted to bluff raise river" then you are not betting for value. I honestly hate the river bet, If you feal you have the best hand, c/c the river and get value out of the hands he may bluff. He can easily put you on a str8 or flush draw that missed so he will probably fire a third bullet.

As far as min raising the CO. At the 50/100 level I always and only open 2.25x (225) but min raising is fine (I start to min raise at the 75/150 level). By raising you take the initiative in the hand and you are almost alway playing the hand post flop in position. A c-bet will usually take it down.

/6m-99, kinda weird, JTT flop Quote
03-22-2011 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by TomoDaK

Willy do you care to comment on why you dislike 2x pre? I do it at bb20 and I can get why you'd hate on that, but the stack sizes are purrrrfect for it at bb50.
First, I shoulda made it clear that I was talking about low blind levels (up to t50 or so). Minraising at t100 is not something I personally do, but from this level and up I can understand better why people do it.

The reasons I personally don`t like minraising early is that we get to many callers, we lose value by not building large pots with strong hands, and in most cases a much easier hand to play by narrowing villains ranges. If you are the kind of player who likes to play a lot of hands, minraising becomes a better option since you need more flexibility. But then again, this style demands much better post flop skills which makes it harder to focus on many tables (imo).
/6m-99, kinda weird, JTT flop Quote
03-22-2011 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by FTHater
This is my first post on 2+2 so take it for what it's worth. You say you aren't bluffing but you are putting him on a range that he can NEVER call on the river. If you put him on "lots of small pairs and Ax that just check back the river and very few KQ/hearts type of air that will be tempted to bluff raise river" then you are not betting for value. I honestly hate the river bet, If you feal you have the best hand, c/c the river and get value out of the hands he may bluff. He can easily put you on a str8 or flush draw that missed so he will probably fire a third bullet.

As far as min raising the CO. At the 50/100 level I always and only open 2.25x (225) but min raising is fine (I start to min raise at the 75/150 level). By raising you take the initiative in the hand and you are almost alway playing the hand post flop in position. A c-bet will usually take it down.

The thing is that with his sizing I think his range has more 55-88/AK/AQ that might call a small river bet, but will mostly just check back if we check. I don't think he has a ton of air so letting him bluff doesn't really work. If I check river it should probably be to c/f imo.

You say he can easily put me on a straight or flush draw that missed and that will get him to fire a third bullet, but when most of his range beats my air, he won't feel any need to bluff. Also, bc my range has a decent amount of air, I think it's reasonable to expect to get paid off by those weaker hands I mentioned earlier
/6m-99, kinda weird, JTT flop Quote
