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: TT against UTG raise : TT against UTG raise

04-16-2008 , 04:00 AM
Full Tilt Poker, $22 + $2 NL Hold'em Sit n' Go, 30/60 Blinds, 7 Players - Hand History Converter

Hero (CO): 4,405
BTN: 1,635
SB: 610
BB: 1,275
UTG: 1,050
UTG+1: 2,615
MP: 1,910

Pre-Flop: (90) T T dealt to Hero (CO)
UTG raises to 210, 2 folds, Hero folds

Villain is something like 30/10 over a good sample; my notes on him read "limptard." Should I have shoved against this sort of bad player? My feeling was that I don't see him raising UTG all that often, and the blinds offered little overlay. I find that tens are a really hard hand for me to play against raises.
: TT against UTG raise Quote
04-16-2008 , 07:25 AM
at 30/60 i just fold to utg raise, im a nit though ldo
: TT against UTG raise Quote
04-16-2008 , 07:44 AM
You can stick it into SNGWiz, it's pretty close.

I don't mind a push.
: TT against UTG raise Quote
04-16-2008 , 09:22 AM
IMO arguments can be made for fold, push or call.

While I don't like playing tens against an UTG raise either, I have recently been shown the error of my ways by some of the posters on this forum and now would lean toward flat calling and hoping to hit a set or overpair in this situation. The raiser is probably shoving the flop regardless. You also have plenty of chips to call his raise. SNG Wiz can give the best answer.
: TT against UTG raise Quote
04-16-2008 , 09:24 AM
he is raising a 5th of his stack. thing with limpers is that they will also limp big pairs like AA and KK. you could shove here, and you would probably be against 77-99 AQ+ more than JJ QQ. push get called and lose your still chip leader, but you have a huge stack already at the moment and if your unsure what his range is here folding wouldnt be bad, as long as you dont call you cant go wrong here.
: TT against UTG raise Quote
04-16-2008 , 09:29 AM
"as long as you dont call you cant go wrong here."

Now I'm confused. Last week I said I didn't like calling with tens from a UTG raiser and I was burned at the stake.

Why don't you like calling here? Invites the SB to shove? UTG is shoving flop regardless, so we might as fold or shove instead?
: TT against UTG raise Quote
04-16-2008 , 09:55 AM
I don't think calling is always a bad play here against a 30/10'er when you have position...I think it could even be preferable to shoving pre, because unless he has 22-99 your never getting your money that good preflop, and I think a 30/10'er is not as likely to raise 22-66 (and even 77-99) UTG as he is to limp AA and KK.

Only reason I am saying this is because of stack sizes, if you had an average stack for the table I would say fold or shove.
: TT against UTG raise Quote
04-16-2008 , 10:19 AM
remember there are 3 to act after us also, and calling might intice SB to shove also as he is getting great odds to gain a big stack. not that it makes a huge difference but i dotn like calling here just because of things like that, including playing a pot vs someone with 1/5th of his stack invested, if he cbets i will feel commited if there is only one overcard etc. thats why i feel shoving/folding is best here
: TT against UTG raise Quote
04-16-2008 , 10:56 AM
Well I personally don't think the SB shoving is that big of a concern. His stack is so small that he can do little damage to us. And remember we actually may have him beat anyway, as he's probably looking to shove soon with ATC.

Calling only costs us 210, so if we don't hit a set, or the board isn't favorable, we can easily fold to UTG's highly likely postflop shove.

Shoving ourselves will likely isolate us with UTG, who will surely call, but we pay a much higher price (not only do we lose our chips, but he gains them as well) if he actually has a hand that beats us (and my estimation, wrong as it might be, would be that we usually aren't a favorite in this situation - although we may be flipping against AK, AQ, etc).

So for these reasons, I like calling here hoping to flop a set or have all undercards or an otherwise favorable flop where we can hopefully break him after the flop. It also leaves us an easy escape route if we get an unfavorable flop.

Is this reasonable thinking?

Last edited by Doublez-Down; 04-16-2008 at 10:57 AM. Reason: added text
: TT against UTG raise Quote
